Get set for a awesome race with the Lifewave superman protocol

The Lifewave Superman protocol

the Lifewave Superman Protocol can significantly boost performance, endurance, and recovery. This protocol involves a strategic application of four types of Lifewave patches: Energy Enhancer, Glutathione, Carnosine, and Aeon. Each type of patch has specific benefits that can help athletes achieve optimal performance and faster recovery during demanding events like Ironman races.


1. Energy Enhancer Patches

Application: 4 patches Purpose: Designed to increase energy and stamina, the Energy Enhancer patches are crucial for endurance athletes. These patches work by enhancing the body’s ability to effectively use oxygen and convert body fat into energy more efficiently. During an Ironman race, where sustained energy output is critical, these patches can help maintain high energy levels, reducing fatigue during long swim, bike, and run segments.


2. Glutathione Patches

Application: 2 patches Purpose: Glutathione is often called the “master antioxidant” and is vital for maintaining cellular health and detoxification. For Ironman athletes, the Glutathione patches help combat oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which are commonly produced during extensive physical exertion. By enhancing the body’s antioxidant capacity, these patches support quicker recovery, reduce muscle damage, and ensure that the immune system functions optimally.


3. Carnosine Patch

Application: 1 patch Purpose: Carnosine is a naturally occurring dipeptide that acts as an antioxidant and also has anti-glycation properties. It’s particularly beneficial in buffering the drop in pH within muscles, which occurs through the accumulation of lactic acid during intense exercise. Using a Carnosine patch can improve athletic performance by extending the muscles’ ability to perform at high intensities for longer, delaying muscle fatigue, and speeding up recovery post-exercise by reducing muscle soreness.


4. Aeon Patch

Application: 1 patch Purpose: This patch is specifically designed for stress reduction and inflammatory control. The Aeon patch has been clinically shown to reduce stress markers in the body, which is crucial during the rigorous demands of an Ironman race. By reducing inflammation and stress, this patch not only aids in faster recovery but also helps maintain focus and mental clarity throughout the race.


Implementation of the Superman Protocol

To utilize the Superman Protocol effectively:

  • Energy Enhancer patches should be applied on the day of the race, ideally placed on acupressure points that stimulate energy flow, such as the stomach or spleen meridian points.
  • Glutathione and Carnosine patches can be applied both on race day and the night before the race to start boosting antioxidant levels and muscle conditioning.
  • The Aeon patch can be used both the night before and on the race day to help manage stress and inflammation.

This protocol is designed to maximize physiological capabilities during the race while ensuring that the recovery phase starts immediately after the race ends. By improving energy production, antioxidant capacity, muscle endurance, and stress management, the Lifewave Superman Protocol is an advanced strategy to enhance athletic performance and accelerate recovery. This approach is especially beneficial for those participating in endurance sports like Ironman competitions, where such physiological supports can make a significant difference in performance outcomes.

Get ready for race day boosting performance and endurance with this 8 Lifewave patch Superman protocol: 4 Energy Enhancer patches, 2 Glutathione, 1 Camosine, 1 Aeon.
Only 25 euros for the 8 patches.

Order 20-30 days in advance.
Detailed instructions included. 

Why the Immune System Can Be Low Around Ironman Races

Ironman races, encompassing swimming, biking, and running over long distances, place extreme stress on the body. This prolonged physical exertion can lead to:

  • Immune suppression: Extended periods of intense exercise can temporarily lower immune function. The body’s resources are primarily directed towards energy production and recovery, leaving less capacity for immune surveillance and response.
  • Increased vulnerability to pathogens: Exhaustion and exposure during and after the race can make an athlete more susceptible to viruses and bacteria, especially in large gatherings like sports events.
  • Oxidative stress: High levels of physical exertion increase the production of free radicals, which can overwhelm the body’s antioxidant defenses and lead to cellular damage, including to the immune cells.

Lifewave Immunity Protocol

The Lifewave Immunity Protocol is designed to support and boost the immune system through a combination of patches that enhance energy, reduce oxidative stress, and provide direct immune support. Here’s how each type of patch in this protocol can help:


1. Energy Enhancer Patches
  • Application: 2 patches
  • Purpose: These patches help increase energy and stamina, which is vital not just for performance but also for keeping the body’s defenses operating optimally. By improving the body’s energy efficiency, these patches help ensure that immune functions are not sidelined when energy resources are prioritized for physical exertion.
2. Glutathione Patch
  • Application: 1 patch
  • Purpose: Glutathione is a critical antioxidant that plays a major role in supporting the immune system by protecting immune cells through its antioxidant mechanism. It helps reduce oxidative stress and enhances the recycling of vitamins C and E, which are vital for immune defense. By elevating the body’s glutathione levels, this patch helps maintain an optimal environment for immune cell function.
3. Carnosine Patch
  • Application: 2 patches
  • Purpose: Carnosine acts as an antioxidant that also protects the body against glycation, a process that can accelerate aging and weaken immune response. Carnosine has been shown to boost the immune system by enhancing the responsiveness of the body’s immune cells. This is particularly important post-exercise when the body is in a state of recovery and more susceptible to infection.

4. Aeon Patch

  • Application: 1 patch
  • Purpose: This patch is specifically aimed at reducing stress and inflammation. Chronic stress and inflammation are known to weaken the immune system and compromise its ability to fight off infections. By managing stress and inflammation, the Aeon patch supports overall immune function and helps the body recover not just from physical stress but also immunological challenges.

Implementation of the Immunity Protocol

For best results, this protocol should be implemented both before and after the race to prepare the immune system for the upcoming stress and to aid in recovery post-race. Starting the protocol a few days before the event and continuing for several days after can help maintain a robust immune response during this critical time.

  • Before the Race: Begin applying the patches two to three days prior to increase antioxidant levels and energy.
  • On Race Day: Reapply the patches to support energy and immune function throughout the race.
  • After the Race: Continue using the patches to aid recovery and bolster the immune system as the body recovers.

This targeted approach using Lifewave patches can be a significant part of an athlete’s strategy to maintain health during the demanding Ironman race preparations and recovery phases, helping them to perform at their best and recover quickly while keeping their immune system strong.

Pre-Race Day: Carb Loading

Carbohydrate loading, often shortened to carb-loading, is a strategy used by endurance athletes like Ironman triathletes to maximize the storage of glycogen (or energy) in the muscles and liver. Carb-loading is especially crucial for long-distance events such as Ironman races, which demand sustained energy output over many hours.


Why is Carb Loading Important?

Carb loading is essential because it maximizes the amount of energy available during a long race. Normally, the body stores glycogen that is readily converted to glucose as the primary fuel source for muscles during endurance activities. By increasing carbohydrate intake in the days leading up to an event, you can increase these glycogen stores beyond their normal levels. This excess stored glycogen can be the key to preventing the ‘bonk’ or hitting the wall, a common scenario where the body runs out of easily accessible energy, leading to fatigue and decreased performance.


Normal Carbohydrate Reserves vs. Carb-Loaded Reserves

Under normal dietary conditions, muscle glycogen stores are typically depleted within 90 minutes to two hours of intense activity, depending on the athlete’s fitness and intensity level. However, with effective carb-loading, these stores can be expanded significantly. This can extend the energy availability up to three hours or more before depletion occurs. The extension of available energy can be critical in a race like the Ironman, where athletes are active for several hours.


Overlooked Aspects of Carb Loading

While many athletes focus on simply eating more carbohydrates, there are several less discussed but important aspects to effective carb loading:

  1. Tapering Exercise: Reducing training intensity and volume during the carb-loading phase is crucial. This taper allows the muscles to rest and saturate with glycogen. Without tapering, continuous depletion of glycogen stores can occur, undermining the carb-loading process.

  2. Balanced Electrolytes: When increasing carb intake, it’s also important to maintain a balance of electrolytes. The process of storing glycogen also pulls water into the muscles, which can dilute electrolytes like sodium. Maintaining electrolyte balance is crucial to prevent cramping and ensure optimal muscle function.

  3. Protein Intake: Maintaining adequate protein intake during carb-loading is also essential. Protein doesn’t directly contribute to glycogen stores, but it is vital for repair and preparation of the muscles for the endurance task ahead.

  4. Dietary Fiber: While increasing carbohydrates, it’s advisable to be cautious with excessive fiber, particularly close to race day. High-fiber foods can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort during the race, so it’s wise to choose low to moderate fiber options as the race approaches.

  5. Timing of Meals: The timing of carbohydrate-rich meals is also a key consideration. It’s beneficial to have a significant carbohydrate-based meal about three to four hours before the race starts to ensure glycogen levels are topped up, and any digestive discomfort is avoided during the race.

Incorporating these strategies into your carb-loading regimen can optimize your performance and energy levels, ensuring you’re as prepared as possible to face the demanding challenge of an Ironman race.