Lifewave Stem Cell Activation.

Reshaping Your Body.

LifeWave work at the core of the body - increasing the body's natural stem cells production, enhancing health and performance across various categories.

Lifewave Patches stimulate the body’s natural production of stem cells

As we age, our body’s natural production of stem cells declines significantly. Stem cells are crucial for repairing damaged tissues and maintaining overall health. However, various factors such as aging, stress, poor nutrition, and environmental toxins can diminish the body’s ability to produce and maintain a healthy supply of stem cells. This reduction leads to slower healing processes, increased susceptibility to diseases, and overall decline in physical and cognitive functions.

Lifewave patches, specifically the X39 patch, are designed to stimulate the body’s natural production of stem cells. The X39 patch utilizes phototherapy, a method that uses specific wavelengths of light to activate biological processes. When applied to the skin, the patch reflects light in the infrared and visible spectrum, which then stimulates the body to produce and mobilize more stem cells. This process enhances the body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate itself, promoting faster healing, reducing inflammation, and improving overall vitality. By boosting stem cell activity, Lifewave patches help counteract the effects of aging and support the body’s inherent regenerative capabilities.

Benefits for Sports Performance and Endurance Athletes

  1. Enhanced Performance: Lifewave patches help increase energy, stamina, and endurance, enabling athletes to train harder and perform better.
  2. Faster Recovery: By promoting muscle repair and reducing inflammation, athletes can recover more quickly from intense training sessions and competitions.
  3. Pain Relief: Non-drug pain relief solutions allow athletes to manage pain effectively without the side effects of medication.
  4. Improved Mental Focus: Better sleep and stress management contribute to enhanced mental clarity and focus, crucial for strategic thinking and performance in sports.
  5. Overall Health: The patches support overall health and wellness, ensuring athletes can maintain their peak performance over longer periods.

By addressing these pain points, Lifewave patches provide a comprehensive solution for enhancing sports performance, improving recovery times, and supporting the overall well-being of endurance athletes.




Race Day Protocol


Lifewave is used by 2.4 mill people worldwide

“LifeWave Energy Enhancer patches have been a game-changer for me. During my training for the Tour de France, maintaining energy levels over long distances was a constant challenge. Since I started using these patches, I’ve noticed a significant boost in my stamina and overall performance. Not only do I feel more energized during my rides, but my recovery time has also improved. These patches have become an essential part of my training regimen.”

Sarah Thompson
Professional Road Cycling

“As an Ironman champion, I need every edge I can get, and LifeWave patches provide that edge. The combination of Energy Enhancer and X39 patches has helped me push through the toughest parts of my races. The Energy Enhancer keeps my energy levels high, while the X39 patch aids in faster recovery, allowing me to train harder and more consistently. I highly recommend LifeWave patches to any athlete looking to enhance their performance naturally.”

Jason Fowler
Ironman Triathlete

“Competing in ultra-endurance events like the Race Across America requires not just physical strength but mental resilience and quick recovery. LifeWave Aeon and Silent Nights patches have been crucial in my preparation. The Aeon patch helps me stay calm and focused during long rides, reducing stress levels significantly. The Silent Nights patch has improved my sleep quality, ensuring I wake up refreshed and ready for the next challenge. LifeWave patches have undoubtedly contributed to my success in these grueling races.”

David Lee
Ultra-Endurance Cycling


80 independent studies, patents and the science explained.
Based on Phototheraphy and Patented Nanocrystal Technology

Lifewave Patches – The Short Version

> You wear patches on acupuncture points

> The patches are embedded with nanocrystal technology

> The patches are 100% natural.

> No chemicals and nothing is transferred to your skin.

> This will stimulate your own stem cell production

> It will basically reverse aging and enable the bodys natural healing process

> This is why patches are so effective to repair the body from any illness and improve the performance and durability

> The basis of this technology was developed for the Navy Seals

> This is the biggest secret for so many elite sports stars like David Beckham and the entire Spanish football team, just to mention a few.

Lose weight

Overcome Chronic Pain & Illness

Reversing age

Boost Performance


119 Lifewave Testimonial Groups. 117 Healing Lifewave Protocols.

Workplace Energy

Personal Trainers



Lifewave X39 Patch

  • Stem Cell Activation: Stimulates the body’s natural production of stem cells, enhancing repair and regeneration.
  • Wound Healing: Promotes faster healing of injuries and wounds by accelerating tissue repair processes.
  • Pain Relief: Reduces pain and inflammation, providing non-drug pain relief.
  • Energy Boost: Increases overall energy and vitality, improving physical performance.
  • Anti-Aging: Supports anti-aging benefits by improving skin appearance and reducing the effects of aging.
  • Mental Clarity: Enhances cognitive functions, including focus and mental clarity.
  • Sleep Improvement: Improves sleep quality, leading to better recovery and overall well-being.

Lifewave X49 Patch

  • Muscle and Bone Health: Enhances muscle strength and bone density, supporting overall physical fitness.
  • Cardiovascular Support: Promotes cardiovascular health and improves circulation.
  • Physical Performance: Boosts endurance and stamina, beneficial for athletes and active individuals.
  • Fat Loss: Aids in reducing body fat and improving body composition.
  • Recovery Enhancement: Accelerates recovery from workouts and physical activities.
  • Cognitive Benefits: Supports brain health, improving focus and mental sharpness.
  • Energy and Vitality: Increases energy levels, helping to combat fatigue and improve daily performance.


You can order a mix of patches that match your desired protocol. Order the superman protocol for race day or the immunity booster. Order patches one by one.

Pain Management

IceWave Patches

Pain Relief: Provides non-drug pain relief by stimulating acupuncture points to reduce pain and inflammation.

Rapid Effect: Quick pain relief, essential for athletes needing to perform at their best during training and competitions.

Energy and Stamina

Energy Enhancer Patches

Increased Energy: Enhances energy levels and endurance by improving the body’s bioelectrical flow.

Improved Stamina: Helps athletes maintain peak performance for longer periods.

Recovery and Healing

Carnosine Patches

Muscle Repair: Promotes faster recovery and repair of muscle tissues after intense workouts.

Antioxidant Protection: Helps reduce oxidative stress, supporting overall health and recovery.

Recovery and Healing

Glutathione Patches

Detoxification: Boosts the body’s natural detoxification processes, removing harmful toxins that can impede recovery.

Immune Support: Strengthens the immune system, reducing downtime due to illness.

Recovery and Healing

Aeon Patches

Stress Reduction: Reduces stress and inflammation, key factors that can delay recovery.

Anti-Aging Benefits: Supports overall wellness, helping athletes maintain their peak performance longer.

Inflammation Control

Aeon Patches

Reduced Inflammation: Helps lower inflammation in the body, which can be a significant issue for athletes dealing with chronic pain or injuries.

Get ready for race day boosting performance and endurance with this 8 Lifewave patch Superman protocol: 4 Energy Enhancer patches, 2 Glutathione, 1 Camosine, 1 Aeon.

This Lifewave patch protocol will boost your immune system. The protocol consists of 2 Energy enhancer, 1 Glutathione, 2 Carosine and 1 Aeon patch. This is for 1 day of immunity system booster. Order for several days in quantity.

Support & Guide Call.

Receive expert guidance, and tailored patch protocols designed just for you. Discover how LifeWave patches can transform your cycling.

The X39 patches, developed by LifeWave, are designed to promote health and wellness through the innovative use of phototherapy and acupressure principles. These patches work by elevating the production of copper-peptide (GHK-Cu) in the blood, which is known for its properties to enhance stem cell activity, support cellular repair, and reset genes to a younger and healthier state. This process is aimed at offering benefits such as relief from minor aches and pains, improved wound healing, a healthy inflammatory response, and enhancements in energy and sleep quality.

Phototherapy, a key component of X39 patch technology, leverages visible and infrared light. The patches act as a mechanism to reflect this light back into the body, stimulating cellular activity. This method has roots in centuries-old practices to improve health but is now being applied in innovative ways to support modern wellness needs.

Phototherapy, a key component of X39 patch technology, leverages visible and infrared light

Pure Healing Waves Project

Transform Lives: Your donation provides relief and improves the quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain and illness.

Frequetly Asked Questions

LifeWave is a health and wellness company that specializes in developing innovative products designed to improve your quality of life. Utilizing advanced phototherapy technology, LifeWave’s patches are crafted to support the body’s natural energy and healing processes.

LifeWave patches use the science of phototherapy to stimulate the skin, which in turn, helps to improve the body’s natural energy flow and healing capabilities. The patches reflect specific wavelengths of light, activating specific points on the skin similar to acupuncture but without the needles.

Users have reported a wide range of benefits, including enhanced energy levels, improved sleep quality, reduced inflammation, pain relief, and a decrease in the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Individual results can vary.

Yes, LifeWave patches are designed to be non-invasive and drug-free, offering a safe way to enhance your well-being. They have been extensively tested and used by thousands of people worldwide.

Absolutely. LifeWave patches are ideal for athletes looking for a competitive edge and faster recovery. The patches are designed to improve energy, reduce recovery times, and enhance athletic performance, all within anti-doping regulations.

The effects of LifeWave patches can last anywhere from 12 to 48 hours, depending on the specific patch and individual user. It’s recommended to follow the usage guidelines provided with each product.

Placement can vary depending on the desired outcome. Each LifeWave product comes with detailed instructions on where to apply the patches for optimal results, typically on specific points of the body that correlate with acupuncture points.

Yes, it’s possible to use different types of LifeWave patches simultaneously, but it’s advisable to start with one product to see how your body responds before incorporating others.

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