Pure Healing Waves Project

Transform Lives:

Your donation provides relief and improves the quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain and illness.

Pure Healing Waves Project

The Pure Healing Waves Project is a charitable initiative designed to support individuals suffering from chronic pain and illness by providing them with LifeWave patches, which utilize advanced phototherapy to enhance well-being and alleviate pain. This project embodies PureLifeWaves’ commitment to social responsibility, aiming to bring relief and improve the quality of life for those in need.


Mission and Objectives

The primary mission of the Pure Healing Waves Project is to:

  • Alleviate Chronic Pain: Provide effective pain relief through LifeWave patches to individuals enduring chronic pain.
  • Support Chronic Illness Management: Assist in managing symptoms of various chronic illnesses, promoting overall health and wellness.
  • Raise Awareness: Educate communities about non-invasive pain management and the benefits of phototherapy.

Commitment to Giving

PureLifeWaves has pledged to donate 10% of its income to support the Pure Healing Waves Project. This significant commitment ensures that a portion of the company’s revenue directly funds the distribution of LifeWave patches to those who need them most but cannot afford them.


Areas of Impact

The project targets a wide range of chronic pain and illnesses, reflecting the diverse testimonials found on PureLifeWaves’ platform. These conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraines
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Back pain
  • Neuropathy
  • Autoimmune diseases

You can explore the full range of testimonial groups and their specific conditions on the PureLifeWaves testimonial page.

How You Can Donate to the Pure Healing Waves Project

Here is what you will discover:

The Pure Healing Waves Project welcomes donations of all sizes, whether small or large, to support individuals suffering from chronic pain and illness. Your contributions directly fund the distribution of LifeWave patches to those in need, helping to improve their quality of life through innovative, non-invasive pain management solutions.


Ways to Donate:

    • Online Donation:
      • Visit the Pure Healing Waves Project donation page on the PureLifeWaves website.
      • Choose a donation amount that you are comfortable with. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference.
      • Complete the online donation form with your details and payment information. Secure online payment options ensure your donation process is safe and straightforward.
    • Recurring Donations:
      • Set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual donation to provide ongoing support to the project.
      • Recurring donations ensure sustained assistance and allow the project to plan and allocate resources more effectively.
      • Opt for recurring donations through the donation page by selecting the frequency and amount that suits you best.
    • Corporate Sponsorship:
      • Companies and organizations can participate in the Pure Healing Waves Project through corporate sponsorship.
      • Engage your company in a meaningful cause, demonstrating corporate social responsibility and contributing to community well-being.
      • Contact the PureLifeWaves team to discuss tailored sponsorship packages and the benefits of corporate partnership.

Other Way to Support the Pure Healing Waves Project

  • Fundraising Events:
    • Organize or participate in fundraising events, such as charity runs, bake sales, or online campaigns, to raise funds for the project.
    • Get your community involved to amplify your impact and spread awareness about the importance of supporting individuals with chronic pain and illness.
  • In-Kind Donations:
    • Contribute in-kind donations such as resources, time, or expertise to support the administrative and operational aspects of the Pure Healing Waves Project.
    • Volunteer your skills in areas like marketing, outreach, or event planning to help the project reach more people.

Why Your Donation Matters:

  • Direct Impact: Every donation helps provide LifeWave patches to individuals who otherwise could not afford them, offering them relief from chronic pain and illness.
  • Support and Education: Donations also fund educational resources and support services to ensure recipients can effectively use the patches and benefit from their therapeutic properties.

Your generosity can bring relief and hope to those battling chronic pain and illness. Join us in making a difference today.

Lifewave Charity

LifeWave has been involved in several charitable and community-focused initiatives. One of their prominent partnerships is with the Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC), where they have promoted the LifeWave X39 patches. This partnership highlights the company’s commitment to supporting health and wellness initiatives within various communities​ (Corps of Renewal And Charity)​.

David Schmidt, the CEO and founder of LifeWave, has developed the company based on innovative phototherapy technology that aims to improve overall well-being through non-invasive methods. Despite some controversies and legal challenges regarding the legitimacy and marketing practices of LifeWave, the company has managed to maintain a presence in over 80 countries, indicating a significant impact on a global scale​ (TG Daily)​​ (Physicence)​.

LifeWave’s approach to holistic health, particularly through its charitable engagements, aims to provide alternative health solutions to a wide range of people, including those involved in community renewal and support organizations. This commitment reflects their broader mission to enhance wellness and support various health initiatives through innovative technology.

For more detailed information about LifeWave’s charitable activities and their impact, you can visit CORAC’s website and learn more about their collaboration.