Lifewave Healing
For Pets

Natural Wellness Solutions for Your Furry Friends

LifeWave products, known for their health and wellness benefits for humans, can also offer various advantages for cats and dogs. Here are the common pain points and challenges faced by pets where LifeWave products can be beneficial:

Pain and Inflammation

Pain Points:

  • Arthritis and joint pain, especially in older pets.
  • Recovery from surgeries or injuries.
  • Chronic conditions causing persistent pain.

LifeWave Benefits:

  • LifeWave patches, such as the IceWave, can help reduce pain and inflammation in pets, promoting comfort and mobility.

Stress and Anxiety

Pain Points:

  • Separation anxiety.
  • Fear of loud noises, like thunderstorms and fireworks.
  • General anxiety due to environmental changes or travel.

LifeWave Benefits:

  • The Aeon patch is known for its stress-reducing properties, which can help pets stay calm and reduce anxiety-related behaviors.

Skin and Coat Health

Pain Points:

  • Allergies causing itching and irritation.
  • Skin infections and hot spots.
  • Dull, brittle coats.

LifeWave Benefits:

  • The Y-Age Glutathione patch can enhance detoxification and support the immune system, potentially improving skin and coat health.

Energy and Vitality

Pain Points:

  • Fatigue in older pets.
  • Low energy levels due to chronic health conditions.

LifeWave Benefits:

  • The Energy Enhancer patch can help increase energy levels and overall vitality, improving the quality of life for pets.

Immune Support

Pain Points:

  • Weak immune systems making pets susceptible to infections.
  • Recovery from illnesses.

LifeWave Benefits:

  • The Y-Age Carnosine patch can support cellular repair and regeneration, boosting the immune system.

Wound Healing and Recovery

Pain Points:

  • Slow healing of wounds.
  • Post-surgical recovery.

LifeWave Benefits:

  • The Aeon and Glutathione patches can accelerate healing processes and reduce inflammation, aiding in quicker recovery.

Mobility Issues

Pain Points:

  • Difficulty moving due to age-related joint degeneration.
  • Post-injury or post-surgery mobility challenges.

LifeWave Benefits:

  • The IceWave and Energy Enhancer patches can support better mobility and reduce pain, making movement easier for pets.

General Wellness and Longevity

Pain Points:

  • Maintaining overall health and wellness in aging pets.
  • Preventing age-related diseases.

LifeWave Benefits:

  • Regular use of patches like Aeon, Glutathione, and Carnosine can contribute to overall wellness, potentially extending the healthy lifespan of pets.

How to Use LifeWave Products for Pets

  • Application: Patches can be applied to areas with less fur or on the collar. Ensure they are securely attached but not causing discomfort.
  • Observation: Monitor pets for any reactions and adjust usage as necessary.

By addressing these pain points with LifeWave products, pet owners can help improve the quality of life for their cats and dogs, ensuring they remain healthy, active, and happy.

The video discusses the benefits of LifeWave patches for pets, emphasizing their natural, non-invasive, and effective healing properties. The patches, such as X39, glutathione, Aon, carnosine, and icewave, support rapid healing, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, repair injuries, and provide pain relief.

These patches utilize the body’s infrared heat to activate photo-light therapy, promoting healing without introducing any ingredients into the body. The technology is highlighted as safe and beneficial, with numerous pet owners worldwide reporting positive results. The video encourages pet owners to explore LifeWave patches to enhance their pets’ health and vitality, advocating for a proactive approach to pet wellness.

The video features an update from Rose in the US about her dog, Blue, who is 13 years old and had trouble walking due to a spinal issue. Rose shares her successful experience using LifeWave patches in a specific arrangement to alleviate Blue’s pain and mobility issues. She created a circular pattern with different patches (Aeon, Glutathione, and Carnosine) around the pain point on Blue’s spine, which allowed him to walk and run again. Rose explains that alternating patch placements and giving points on the body a break enhances the effectiveness.

The video discusses the use of stem cell patches on a dog named Tazzy. Initially, Tazzy was experiencing stiffness in her legs and had difficulty walking. The owner decided to try stem cell patches to see if they would improve Tazzy’s mobility.

After applying the patch overnight, Tazzy showed significant improvement the next day. She moved more easily, her hips weren’t swaying as much, and her gait became smoother. The owner observed that Tazzy was walking much better compared to the previous day.

The video serves as a testimonial for the effectiveness of stem cell patches in improving the mobility and overall well-being of pets.

Lifewave Healing Protocol For Dogs

LifeWave is known for its phototherapy patches that can promote natural healing processes in the body. When it comes to using LifeWave patches for dogs, it’s important to consider their size, sensitivity, and specific health conditions. Here is a LifeWave protocol for addressing different pains and illnesses in dogs:

General Guidelines:

  • Patch Placement: Dogs have different anatomy, so patch placement may vary. The patches should be placed on or near the area of concern.
  • Observe for Reactions: Monitor your dog for any adverse reactions or signs of discomfort. If your dog shows signs of irritation, remove the patch immediately.

Patches and Their Uses:

  1. IceWave: Pain relief
  2. Y-Age Aeon: Reduces stress and inflammation
  3. Y-Age Glutathione: Supports immune function and detoxification
  4. Y-Age Carnosine: Promotes wound healing and tissue repair
  5. Energy Enhancer: Boosts energy and vitality
  6. Silent Nights: Improves sleep and rest

Protocol for Common Issues:

1. Pain Relief (Arthritis, Joint Pain)

  • IceWave: Place one patch on the point of pain and another directly across from it (as a pair).
    • Suggested Placement: One patch on the joint with pain and the other on the opposite side of the joint.
  • Y-Age Aeon: Place on the dog’s collar or the base of the neck to help reduce inflammation.

2. Inflammation (General Inflammation, Allergies)

  • Y-Age Aeon: Place at the base of the neck.
  • Y-Age Glutathione: Place on the inside of the ear or along the spine.

3. Wound Healing (Cuts, Scrapes, Post-Surgical Recovery)

  • Y-Age Carnosine: Place near the wound or surgical site.
  • Y-Age Glutathione: Place along the spine to boost the immune system.

4. Energy and Vitality (Fatigue, Lethargy)

  • Energy Enhancer: Place one patch on the left side and another on the right side of the dog’s body, ideally on the back or shoulders.
  • Silent Nights: Use if the dog has trouble sleeping or resting due to illness or pain. Place on the dog’s collar or near the head.

5. Stress and Anxiety (Separation Anxiety, Stressful Situations)

  • Y-Age Aeon: Place on the dog’s collar or the base of the neck.
  • Silent Nights: Place on the dog’s collar or near the head to promote calmness and better sleep.

Application Tips:

  • Duration: Typically, patches can be worn for 12-24 hours. Remove and replace daily or as directed.
  • Monitoring: Regularly check the patch and the skin underneath for any signs of irritation.
  • Hydration: Ensure your dog is well-hydrated as this can enhance the efficacy of the patches.

Example Protocol for an Arthritic Dog:

  1. Morning:

    • IceWave: Place one patch on the painful joint and the other on the opposite side of the joint.
    • Y-Age Aeon: Place at the base of the neck.
  2. Evening:

    • Energy Enhancer: Place one patch on the left shoulder and another on the right shoulder to boost energy levels.
    • Silent Nights: Place on the dog’s collar to promote restful sleep.


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Help Others Live Their Best Lives with LifeWave

Imagine the power to transform lives with simple, effective solutions. LifeWave patches offer that possibility. Here’s how you can make a difference:


Alleviate Chronic Pain and Illness

Help friends and family find relief from chronic pain and ailments with LifeWave’s non-invasive patches, designed to promote healing and reduce discomfort. Discover 117 symptoms and the Lifewave protocol that can support healing at the root (Stem cell) level 


Reverse Aging

Assist loved ones in reversing the signs of aging, enhancing their vitality and youthfulness through innovative phototherapy technology. Learn how lifewave can help reversing age


Boost Workplace Energy and Productivity

Empower your colleagues to boost their energy levels and productivity with LifeWave patches, making workdays more efficient and enjoyable.


Support Weight Loss Goals

Help others curb their appetite and achieve their weight loss goals, promoting a healthier lifestyle and improved well-being. Learn more about loosing weight 


By sharing the benefits of LifeWave, you can positively impact the lives of those around you. Book a support and guidance meeting today and start making a difference!

Pure Healing Waves Project

Transform Lives: Your donation provides relief and improves the quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain and illness.