LifeWave Compensation Model

Welcome to LifeWave’s Compensation Model – Your Path to Earning with Wellness

At LifeWave, we believe in rewarding our members for their hard work and dedication. Here’s a straightforward guide to understanding how you can earn income with us:

1. Retail Profits:

  • Buy LifeWave products at wholesale prices.
  • Sell them at retail prices.
  • Your profit is the difference between the two.


  • Wholesale for X39 and X49 patches: $99.
  • Retail price: $149.
  • Your profit per sleeve: $50.

2. Product Introduction Bonus (PIB):

  • When you enroll someone, you earn a bonus.
  • The bonus amount depends on the enrollment kit they choose.
  • Bonuses range from $15 to $200 and can be higher for Diamond members.

3. Binary Commissions:

  • Build two teams: one left leg and one right leg.
  • Stay active with a personal volume of at least 55 PV per month.
  • Earn up to $50 for every cycle (660 BV on the power leg and 330 BV on the profit leg).

4. Matching Bonus:

  • Earn a percentage of the binary commissions from your personally enrolled members, three levels deep.
  • This can be 25% from your direct enrollees, 20% from their enrollees, and 20% from the next level.

How to Start:

  • Ensure you have two enrolled members, one in each leg.
  • Maintain active status by purchasing at least one sleeve of patches every month.
  • Teach your team to duplicate this process.


  • Earn enough to cover your monthly product costs, then scale up for more significant income.


  • Your earnings can grow as you build your team and they make sales.
  • Binary commissions are calculated weekly, and you never lose your accumulated volume as long as you remain active.
  • The sky’s the limit – with diligent work and team growth, your earning potential can expand immensely.

The Power of One:

  • Enroll one person per month and help your team do the same.
  • Over time, this can lead to substantial growth and earnings.

Final Thought:

  • With LifeWave, you’re not just earning; you’re part of a community dedicated to wellness and financial independence.

Qualification for Binary Commissions:

To be eligible for binary commissions, you need to:

  1. Have two personally enrolled active members – one placed in your left leg and one in your right leg.
  2. Maintain an active status by achieving a personal volume (PV) of at least 55 each month. This typically equates to purchasing at least one sleeve of patches.

Understanding Legs and Volume:

  • Power Leg:
    This is the leg with more business volume (BV) in your binary structure. It’s usually the leg where your upline or team members might also place their new enrollees.

  • Definition: The power leg, also known as the “strong leg,” is the side of your binary structure that has more accumulated business volume (BV) due to your own efforts combined with the spillover from your upline. Spillover occurs when members enrolled by your upline are placed in your downline due to the binary system’s structure.

  • Characteristics: Typically, the power leg grows faster and larger than the other leg, partly because it benefits from being a part of a more extensive network of activity that includes both your efforts and the contributions from your upline.

  • Impact: While the power leg can significantly contribute to your overall team volume, your commissions aren’t directly based on the power leg’s volume alone. Instead, it helps create potential for earnings by setting a foundation that your profit leg will balance against.

  • Profit Leg:
    This is the leg with less business volume. It’s also called the “pay leg” as commissions are typically calculated based on its volume.

  • Definition: The profit leg, sometimes referred to as the “pay leg” or “weak leg,” is the side of your binary structure that has less business volume. This leg’s growth depends almost entirely on your direct efforts and those of the team members within this leg.

  • Characteristics: The profit leg is typically slower to grow compared to the power leg. It requires more direct effort from you to recruit and make sales to balance the business volume against the power leg.
    Impact: Your binary commissions are calculated based on the volume in your profit leg. Essentially, you earn a commission based on a predetermined ratio of volume between your power leg and your profit leg. This structure encourages you to focus on building and supporting your profit leg to maximize your earnings.

  • Importance of Balancing Both Legs:
    To maximize earnings in a binary compensation plan, distributors must work to balance the growth and volume between both legs. Since commissions are based on the volume in the profit leg, but the power leg often grows more quickly due to spillover, successful distributors actively recruit and sell in their profit leg to ensure both sides contribute effectively to their income.

  • In summary, the power leg serves as a source of potential earnings through its volume, while the profit leg is where those potential earnings are realized, based on your and your team’s efforts to balance the overall structure.

Earning Binary Commissions:

  • Cycle Ratio: The fundamental unit of the binary commission is the “cycle.” A cycle occurs when there’s a certain ratio of BV in both legs of your binary structure. In LifeWave, the ratio is typically:
    • 660 BV in your power leg and
    • 330 BV in your profit leg.
  • Cycle Bonus: When the above ratio is achieved, you earn a cycle bonus. In LifeWave’s model, this is up to $50 per cycle.

Accrual of Business Volume:

  • Carryover Volume: If in a given week, there is more volume in either leg than is needed to match a cycle, that extra volume (also known as ‘carryover volume’) isn’t lost. It’s carried over to the next week, as long as you remain active.
  • Weekly Calculation: Binary commissions are calculated weekly. The BV from your team’s purchases accumulates throughout the week. At the end of the week, if you have enough volume in both legs to match the required cycle ratio, you earn a commission.

The Mechanics:

  1. Each product sold by LifeWave has an assigned point value.
  2. These points accumulate as business volume (BV) in your binary structure.
  3. The BV accumulates from sales made by you, your personal enrollees, and anyone else placed in your binary structure, regardless of who enrolled them.
  4. When you have 660 BV on one leg and 330 BV on the other within a weekly period, you earn a cycle bonus.

The Power of Duplication:

  • Duplication: By teaching your team members to replicate this process (enrolling members and accumulating BV), your binary structure grows.
  • Spillover: Due to the binary nature of the system, your upline can only place new members in one of their two legs, which means new enrollees may be placed in your leg, contributing to your BV.

Caps and Limits:

  • Your earnings from binary commissions are capped based on your rank within the company. As you achieve higher ranks, your weekly cap on binary commissions increases, allowing you to earn more from your growing team.

The Bottom Line:

Binary commissions incentivize not only personal sales but also team building and support. They rely on the collective effort of your team, allowing you to benefit from a ‘spillover’ and teamwork, which can result in passive, ongoing income for you as part of the LifeWave opportunity.

Benefits of Purchasing a Higher Enrollment Level in LifeWave:

1. Increased Product Inventory: Purchasing a higher enrollment level grants you a broader selection of LifeWave products. This larger inventory serves multiple purposes: personal use, demonstrations to potential customers, or immediate resale opportunities. More products on hand means you can cater to diverse customer needs right from the start.

2. Higher Earning Potential: When you join at a higher enrollment level, you position yourself to earn higher Product Introduction Bonuses (PIBs). These bonuses are awarded when you personally enroll new members. The higher the level of the kit your enrollees choose, the larger the PIB you receive, thus enhancing your immediate income potential.

3. Quick Start to Business: A higher-level enrollment kit equips you with more resources, which can significantly accelerate the launch of your LifeWave business. It allows for a dynamic start, giving you the capacity to demonstrate the effectiveness of a wider range of products, which can be particularly persuasive in showcasing the business opportunity to prospects.

4. Greater Credibility: Your investment in a larger product assortment signals a strong belief in the LifeWave offering. This enhances your credibility with potential customers and recruits, as it shows confidence in the quality and benefits of the products you’re representing.

5. Improved Rank Advancement: Advancement in the LifeWave compensation structure is influenced by personal and business volumes (PV and BV). Higher enrollment kits contribute more PV and BV, accelerating your progression through the ranks, unlocking additional benefits and earning tiers.

6. Bonus Incentives: Certain higher enrollment levels, such as Diamond, come bundled with exclusive incentives. These can range from increased bonuses to extended benefits like a waiver on your personal volume requirements for a set period, further bolstering your business growth.

7. Leadership Perception: Opting for a higher enrollment level can position you as a leader and a serious entrepreneur within the LifeWave community. This perception can motivate your downline to emulate your commitment, fostering a stronger, more driven team.

8. Cost Efficiency: On a per-product basis, higher enrollment kits offer greater cost efficiency. The investment in a larger, premium kit results in a lower cost for each individual item compared to purchasing them separately, enhancing your return on investment.

Summary: By choosing a higher enrollment level, you are not only investing in a business but also investing in yourself. You’ll enjoy a wealth of products, the capacity for higher earnings, rapid business establishment, enhanced credibility, faster rank progression, and exclusive benefits, all while optimizing your expenditure. This integrated approach is designed to ensure that as you grow your LifeWave business, you are well-equipped to reach and support your financial and health goals.

Progressing through various managerial and directorial ranks unlocks numerous benefits

In the LifeWave compensation model, progressing through various managerial and directorial ranks unlocks numerous benefits, enhancing both earning potential and business growth opportunities. As you climb higher in rank, you gain access to a broader array of rewards, reflecting your increased contribution to your network’s success. Here’s a breakdown of benefits associated with different managerial and directorial levels:

Manager Level

  • Increased Earnings: Unlock the ability to earn higher binary commissions, with a weekly cap raised, allowing for greater income as you build and support your team.
  • Eligibility for Bonuses: Gain access to various bonuses, such as matching bonuses, which provide additional income based on the earnings of your direct downline.
  • Recognition: Being recognized as a Manager within the LifeWave community enhances your credibility and can attract more prospective members to your team.

Director Level

  • Higher Income Cap: As a Director, your potential weekly earnings from binary commissions increase significantly, reflecting your growing team and sales volume.
  • Greater Bonus Opportunities: Directors often qualify for more substantial matching bonuses, further incentivizing the support and development of their downline.
  • Leadership Training and Support: Access to advanced training sessions and exclusive support materials designed to hone leadership skills and business strategies.
  • Expanded Network Influence: Your influence within the network grows, enabling you to impact more broadly through mentoring and leadership.

Senior Director Level

  • Maximized Earnings Potential: Enjoy even higher caps on binary commissions, making it possible to earn a substantial income from your team’s activity.
  • Advanced Bonuses: Qualify for higher tiers of matching bonuses and potentially other discretionary bonuses awarded for exceptional leadership and team performance.
  • Strategic Input: Often have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions that can shape the company’s strategies and policies.
  • Exclusive Events: Invitation to participate in exclusive events, retreats, and recognition ceremonies, providing networking and personal growth opportunities.

Executive Director and Beyond

  • Peak Earning Opportunities: At the top tiers, like Executive Director, Presidential Director, and Senior Presidential Director, the earnings potential reaches its zenith with the highest possible caps on commissions and bonuses.
  • Leadership Recognition: Receive the highest level of recognition, awards, and honors from the company, highlighting your success and dedication.
  • Influential Role in the Community: Serve as a key influencer and leader within the LifeWave community, with opportunities to impact the company’s direction and mentor up-and-coming leaders.
  • Global Networking: Access to international events, allowing for global networking with top leaders and executives within and outside the company.


Advancing through the ranks in the LifeWave compensation model is not just about earning more; it’s about growing as a leader, expanding your influence, and contributing to the success and wellness of others. Each level brings new challenges but also rewards dedication, skill, and teamwork with financial benefits, recognition, and opportunities for personal and professional development.

Enrol in Lifewave network marketing and get additional benefits

Enrol in Lifewave network marketing program as a Brand Partner. Lifewave is ranked as Triple AAA+ opportunity for 2024. Ranked as the best network marketing company by momentum.  Join 2,3 million other users and Brand Partners worldwide. 

Get all the benefits of the complete  Purelifewaves program: Salesfunnel lead generation program with lead magnets, autoresponders, social media lead generation content, training and mentoring.

Additional benefits enrolling in the Lifewave Program:

  • PureLifeWaves recruitment blueprint: We will help you recruit you own team and become a manager. Your will earn much more from your team than you can earn by yourself. Our target is that you earn 5000€ or more per month recurring as a Manager. Signup early and get “spillover” network members that will contribute to your earning.  
  • Advanced & effective lead generation tools and methods: We can offer to setup your automated cold email lead generation campaign with you own target audience and language. Take your lead generation to the next level and accelerate your lead generation. 
  • Tailored campaigns and content to your target audience or language. We will create additional content, lead magnets and sales funnels for you.
  • You get your own Lifewave affiliate link, statistics. prices and more
  • LifeWave communities, ressources and support. Additional to the Purelifewaves support and resources, you will also be able to tab into a bigger community with even more resources and support.
  • Enrollment starter is only 29 euros. (31 USD)