21 Minutes Faster Race Time Using Lifewave Science

Major Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Ironman races are grueling endurance events that require competitors to swim 3.8 km, bike 180 km, and run a full marathon of 42 km, all within a single day. This extreme physical demand pushes the body to its limits, leading to significant muscle fatigue, joint pain, and overall physical exhaustion.

Major Challenges

  1. Muscle Fatigue and Soreness: Throughout the race, especially during the latter stages of the bike ride and the marathon run, athletes experience intense muscle fatigue and soreness. This can severely impact performance and even the ability to finish the race.

  2. Joint Pain: The repetitive motion and impact from running and cycling can cause significant joint pain, particularly in the knees, hips, and ankles. Managing this pain is crucial to maintain pace and avoid injuries.

  3. Overall Physical Exhaustion: The cumulative effect of hours of intense physical activity leads to overall physical exhaustion. This affects not only physical capabilities but also mental focus and determination, which are essential for completing the race.

LifeWave Patches Solutions

LifeWave patches are a novel technology designed to help manage pain and enhance performance without drugs or chemicals. They use phototherapy to stimulate specific points on the body, similar to acupuncture, to achieve various health benefits. Here’s how LifeWave patches can address the challenges faced by Ironman athletes:

  1. Pain Relief: LifeWave patches like IceWave are specifically designed for pain management. These patches can help reduce pain in muscles and joints, allowing athletes to continue performing at a high level despite the physical toll of the race.

  2. Energy Enhancement: The Energy Enhancer patches are aimed at increasing energy levels and improving stamina. By promoting efficient energy production and enhancing cellular energy, these patches can help athletes maintain higher energy levels throughout the race, combating fatigue.

  3. Improved Recovery: The Y-Age Glutathione and Carnosine patches are geared towards enhancing recovery. Glutathione is known for its detoxifying properties and can help reduce oxidative stress, while Carnosine supports muscle repair and endurance. Using these patches can aid in faster recovery during and after the race, minimizing downtime and improving overall performance.

  4. Mental Focus: Maintaining mental focus is critical, especially in the latter stages of an Ironman race. LifeWave’s Silent Nights patches, although primarily for sleep, can also support overall wellbeing and reduce stress, contributing to better mental clarity and focus during the race.

By integrating LifeWave patches into their training and race-day strategies, Ironman athletes can address some of their biggest pain points and challenges. These patches provide a non-invasive, drug-free solution to manage pain, enhance energy levels, and improve recovery, ultimately helping athletes perform better and endure the extreme demands of an Ironman race.

Lifewave Race Day "Superman" Protocol

The LifeWave Superman Protocol is a strategic combination of LifeWave patches designed to maximize physical performance, energy, and recovery, making it particularly beneficial for athletes on race day. Here’s how this protocol can help Ironman athletes during their race:

Components of the LifeWave Superman Protocol

  1. Energy Enhancer Patches
  2. IceWave Patches
  3. Y-Age Glutathione Patches
  4. Y-Age Carnosine Patches
  5. Aeon Patches

Benefits on Race Day

  1. Enhanced Energy Levels:

    • Energy Enhancer Patches: These patches are designed to increase energy and stamina by improving the body’s ability to burn fat for energy, which is critical during long endurance events like an Ironman. By placing these patches on specific acupuncture points, athletes can experience a noticeable boost in their energy levels, helping them maintain a strong pace throughout the swim, bike, and run segments.
  2. Pain Management:

    • IceWave Patches: These patches are specifically formulated for pain relief. By applying them to areas prone to pain and discomfort, such as the knees, lower back, or shoulders, athletes can manage pain effectively during the race. This is particularly useful for addressing muscle and joint pain that can arise from the prolonged physical exertion of an Ironman race.
  3. Improved Recovery and Cellular Health:

    • Y-Age Glutathione Patches: Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce oxidative stress and supports the immune system. Using these patches can help athletes manage the oxidative damage that occurs during intense exercise, promoting quicker recovery and maintaining overall health.
    • Y-Age Carnosine Patches: Carnosine supports muscle repair and endurance, which is crucial for athletes undergoing extreme physical strain. These patches help in reducing muscle fatigue and enhancing muscle recovery, allowing athletes to perform better for longer periods.
  4. Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity:

    • Aeon Patches: These patches are designed to reduce stress and inflammation, promoting a sense of calm and mental clarity. Maintaining mental focus and reducing stress levels can be challenging during the long and grueling hours of an Ironman race. By using Aeon patches, athletes can stay mentally sharp and focused, which is essential for making strategic decisions and maintaining motivation throughout the race.

Application Strategy

  • Before the Race: Apply Energy Enhancer patches to the recommended acupuncture points to start the race with optimal energy levels. Place IceWave patches on any known areas of pain or discomfort to preemptively manage pain.
  • During the Race: As the race progresses, the athlete can adjust or add IceWave patches as needed to manage emerging pain points. Using Y-Age Glutathione and Carnosine patches during transitions can help in mitigating oxidative stress and muscle fatigue.
  • After the Race: Continue using Y-Age Glutathione and Carnosine patches to support recovery. Applying Aeon patches post-race can help reduce inflammation and promote faster recovery, aiding in the athlete’s return to training.

The LifeWave Superman Protocol provides a comprehensive approach to managing the physical and mental demands of an Ironman race. By enhancing energy levels, managing pain, improving recovery, and maintaining mental clarity, this protocol helps athletes perform at their best and endure the challenges of one of the most demanding endurance events in the world.


21 minutes faster with the Lifewave superman protocol


Lifewave is used by 2.4 mill people worldwide

“LifeWave Energy Enhancer patches have been a game-changer for me. During my training for the Tour de France, maintaining energy levels over long distances was a constant challenge. Since I started using these patches, I’ve noticed a significant boost in my stamina and overall performance. Not only do I feel more energized during my rides, but my recovery time has also improved. These patches have become an essential part of my training regimen.”

Sarah Thompson
Professional Road Cycling

“As an Ironman champion, I need every edge I can get, and LifeWave patches provide that edge. The combination of Energy Enhancer and X39 patches has helped me push through the toughest parts of my races. The Energy Enhancer keeps my energy levels high, while the X39 patch aids in faster recovery, allowing me to train harder and more consistently. I highly recommend LifeWave patches to any athlete looking to enhance their performance naturally.”

Jason Fowler
Ironman Triathlete

“Competing in ultra-endurance events like the Race Across America requires not just physical strength but mental resilience and quick recovery. LifeWave Aeon and Silent Nights patches have been crucial in my preparation. The Aeon patch helps me stay calm and focused during long rides, reducing stress levels significantly. The Silent Nights patch has improved my sleep quality, ensuring I wake up refreshed and ready for the next challenge. LifeWave patches have undoubtedly contributed to my success in these grueling races.”

David Lee
Ultra-Endurance Cycling

King Frederik X of Denmark using Lifewave

Ironman, multiple marathons and founder of Royal Run in Denmark with more than 90.000 runners

Other Ironmen and Triathletes
Using Lifewave Patches

  1. Jason Fowler, an Ironman champion, has shared his positive experience with Lifewave X39 patches. Despite a major setback at a young age, he has managed to achieve remarkable success in his athletic career, attributing part of his performance and recovery benefits to these patches.

  2. Darryl Earl Clack, a former professional football player and an Ironman athlete, is a big fan of the X39 patch, highlighting its benefits in his sports activities.

  3. Heather Jackson – A professional triathlete, expressed that the X39 patches have significantly improved her recovery times and overall performance in competitions .
  4. Tim Reed – An Ironman 70.3 World Champion, reported enhanced recovery and reduced pain during training sessions thanks to Lifewave patches .
  5. Mirinda Carfrae – A three-time Ironman World Champion, has mentioned that the Lifewave patches have been crucial in her training and recovery processes .
  6. Cam Dye – Known for his prowess in short-course triathlons, uses Lifewave patches to maintain high energy levels and quick recovery between races .
  7. Rachel Joyce – An Ironman champion, found that the patches help with her energy levels and manage physical stress during her rigorous training .
  8. Linsey Corbin – Reports that Lifewave patches have helped her tackle the extreme demands of Ironman training and competition, improving both her performance and recovery .
  9. Andy Potts – An Olympian and Ironman champion, highlighted the role of Lifewave patches in his performance optimization and recovery strategies .
  10. Meredith Kessler – States that the patches have been a game-changer in terms of reducing fatigue and enhancing her recovery during her Ironman career .
  11. Ben Hoffman – Credits Lifewave patches for better sleep and faster recovery, which are critical to his success in Ironman races .


80 independent studies, patents and the science explained

Lifewave Patches stimulate the body’s natural production of stem cells

As we age, our body’s natural production of stem cells declines significantly. Stem cells are crucial for repairing damaged tissues and maintaining overall health. However, various factors such as aging, stress, poor nutrition, and environmental toxins can diminish the body’s ability to produce and maintain a healthy supply of stem cells. This reduction leads to slower healing processes, increased susceptibility to diseases, and overall decline in physical and cognitive functions.

Lifewave patches, specifically the X39 patch, are designed to stimulate the body’s natural production of stem cells. The X39 patch utilizes phototherapy, a method that uses specific wavelengths of light to activate biological processes. When applied to the skin, the patch reflects light in the infrared and visible spectrum, which then stimulates the body to produce and mobilize more stem cells. This process enhances the body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate itself, promoting faster healing, reducing inflammation, and improving overall vitality. By boosting stem cell activity, Lifewave patches help counteract the effects of aging and support the body’s inherent regenerative capabilities.

Lifewave patches for Ironman

For Ironman athletes, LifeWave offers several patches that can address key needs such as energy enhancement, pain management, recovery, and stress reduction. Here are the recommended patches and the reasons why they are beneficial:

1. Energy Enhancer Patches

Purpose: Boost energy levels and endurance.


  • Increased Stamina: These patches are designed to improve the body’s ability to burn fat for energy, providing a sustained energy boost throughout the long and grueling race.
  • Enhanced Performance: By optimizing energy production, athletes can maintain a higher level of performance over extended periods.

2. IceWave Patches

Purpose: Pain relief and management.


  • Immediate Pain Relief: These patches provide on-the-spot pain relief, which is crucial during the race when muscle and joint pain can become significant.
  • Non-Drug Solution: They offer a drug-free way to manage pain, allowing athletes to avoid the side effects of pain medications.

3. Y-Age Glutathione Patches

Purpose: Reduce oxidative stress and support the immune system.


  • Powerful Antioxidant: Glutathione is one of the body’s most important antioxidants, helping to reduce oxidative stress caused by intense physical exertion.
  • Immune Support: It helps maintain a strong immune system, which can be compromised during periods of extreme physical stress.

4. Y-Age Carnosine Patches

Purpose: Support muscle repair and enhance endurance.


  • Muscle Repair: Carnosine helps in muscle repair and recovery, which is essential after long-distance swimming, cycling, and running.
  • Endurance Boost: It improves endurance, allowing athletes to sustain high performance over the entire race duration.

5. Aeon Patches

Purpose: Reduce stress and inflammation.


  • Stress Reduction: Aeon patches help in reducing stress, promoting a sense of calm and mental clarity, which is crucial for maintaining focus during the race.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: They help reduce inflammation, aiding in faster recovery and less post-race soreness.

Recommended Application Strategy


  • Apply Energy Enhancer Patches to start the race with optimal energy levels.
  • Use IceWave Patches on known pain points to preemptively manage pain.

During the Race:

  • Apply Energy Enhancer Patches to optimal energy levels during the race.
  • Adjust or add IceWave Patches as needed to address emerging pain.
  • Apply Y-Age Glutathione and Carnosine Patches during transitions to manage oxidative stress and support muscle endurance.


  • Continue using Y-Age Glutathione and Carnosine Patches to aid recovery.
  • Apply Aeon Patches to reduce inflammation and stress, promoting faster recovery and readiness for future training sessions.

By strategically using these LifeWave patches, Ironman athletes can enhance their energy levels, manage pain effectively, support muscle repair, and maintain mental clarity, all of which are critical for optimal performance and recovery in one of the most demanding endurance events.

Complimentary Guidance Call.

Receive expert guidance, and tailored patch protocols designed just for you. Discover how LifeWave patches can transform your Ironman race.

Help Others Live Their Best Lives with LifeWave

Imagine the power to transform lives with simple, effective solutions. LifeWave patches offer that possibility. Here’s how you can make a difference:

Alleviate Chronic Pain and Illness

Help friends and family find relief from chronic pain and ailments with LifeWave’s non-invasive patches, designed to promote healing and reduce discomfort. Discover 117 symptoms and the Lifewave protocol that can support healing at the root (Stem cell) level 

Reverse Aging

Assist loved ones in reversing the signs of aging, enhancing their vitality and youthfulness through innovative phototherapy technology. Learn how lifewave can help reversing age

Support Weight Loss Goals

Help others curb their appetite and achieve their weight loss goals, promoting a healthier lifestyle and improved well-being. Learn more about loosing weight 

By sharing the benefits of LifeWave, you can positively impact the lives of those around you. Book a support and guidance meeting today and start making a difference!

Pure Healing Waves Project

Transform Lives: Your donation provides relief and improves the quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain and illness.