Lifewave Healing Horses

  • Promotes pain relief in horses
  • Reduces inflammation in horses
  • Reduces muscle pain in horses
  • Promotes pain relief
  • Improved energy and vitality

How Lifewave Aculife Patches Can Help Healing Horses

Lifewave Aculife patches are innovative wellness products designed to enhance the health and well-being of horses through a non-invasive, drug-free approach. These patches utilize phototherapy, a method that harnesses the power of light to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Below, we delve into the benefits and mechanisms by which Aculife patches can aid in the healing of horses.


1. Pain Relief and Management

Aculife patches are particularly effective in providing pain relief for horses. By stimulating specific acupoints, the patches help to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. This can be especially beneficial for horses suffering from chronic pain conditions, joint issues, or injuries.


2. Enhanced Healing and Recovery

The patches support the body’s natural healing processes. They can be used on horses recovering from surgery, injuries, or strenuous activities. By improving circulation and reducing inflammation, Aculife patches accelerate the recovery process and help horses return to optimal health more quickly.


3. Improved Circulation

Proper blood flow is crucial for healing. Aculife patches help to enhance circulation, ensuring that oxygen and essential nutrients are efficiently delivered to damaged tissues. This improved blood flow can significantly aid in the healing of wounds and reduce recovery time.


4. Reduction of Inflammation

Inflammation is a common response to injury or stress in horses. Aculife patches work by modulating the body’s inflammatory response, leading to reduced swelling and discomfort. This can be particularly useful for conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, or muscle strains.


5. Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Horses, like humans, can experience stress and anxiety, which can hinder their overall health and healing. Aculife patches can help to calm the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. This not only improves the horse’s mental well-being but also supports physical health.


6. Improved Energy and Vitality

By stimulating specific points on the body, Aculife patches can enhance the overall energy levels of horses. This increased vitality can improve their performance, stamina, and general quality of life.


Mechanism of Action

Aculife patches operate on the principles of phototherapy and acupuncture. The patches contain organic crystals that absorb and reflect specific wavelengths of light. When applied to the skin, these light wavelengths stimulate acupoints, which in turn, trigger the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Here’s a more detailed look at the process:

  • Phototherapy: The patches emit low levels of light, which penetrate the skin and interact with the body’s cells. This interaction promotes the production of beneficial biochemical substances such as endorphins and nitric oxide, which are involved in pain relief and improved circulation.

  • Acupuncture Points Stimulation: Aculife patches are placed on specific acupoints on the horse’s body. These points correspond to various organs and systems within the body. By stimulating these points, the patches help to balance the body’s energy flow (Qi) and promote overall health.

Application and Usage

Applying Aculife patches is straightforward and non-invasive. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Identify the Acupoints: Consult with a veterinarian or an equine acupuncturist to locate the appropriate acupoints for the condition being treated.
  2. Clean the Area: Ensure the application area is clean and dry for optimal adhesion.
  3. Apply the Patch: Place the patch directly on the identified acupoint. It’s recommended to follow a specific protocol for different conditions, which can be provided by Lifewave or an experienced practitioner.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Observe the horse’s response to the patches and adjust the application as needed. Patches can typically be worn for up to 12 hours and replaced as necessary.

Lifewave Aculife Solution

Lifewave Aculife patches offer a promising solution for enhancing the health and healing of horses through a natural, drug-free approach. By leveraging the principles of phototherapy and acupuncture, these patches provide pain relief, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and promote overall well-being. As with any treatment, it’s advisable to consult with a veterinarian to ensure the best care for your horse.

The video showcases LifeWave’s wearable technology patches, emphasizing their effectiveness on horses to demonstrate their rapid pain relief capabilities. John Chance, a LifeWave distributor since 2004, demonstrates the application of the patches on several horses, showing significant reduction in pain and discomfort almost instantly.

The video highlights that horses, unlike humans, cannot be influenced by placebos, thus providing a clear indication of the technology’s effectiveness. Viewers are encouraged to try LifeWave’s products, like the AcuLife patches for horses and X39 for humans, with a risk-free guarantee.

The video is a testimonial and demonstration of LifeWave’s AcuLife patches, a pain management system for horses. Shelley Gish shares her initial skepticism and eventual amazement at the effectiveness of the patches, which helped her horse recover from severe body soreness and injury. John Chance, a LifeWave representative, demonstrates how the patches are applied to horses using acupuncture points to relieve pain without drugs or stimulants.

The video includes step-by-step instructions on locating pain areas on the horse and applying the patches.

The demonstration shows the horse’s positive response, indicating pain relief and improved comfort. The video emphasizes the product’s non-invasive, drug-free nature and its efficacy in real-time pain management for horses.


80 independent studies, patents and the science explained

LifeWave Protocol for Horses

Materials Needed:

  • LifeWave Patches: IceWave, Glutathione, Aeon, Energy Enhancer
  • Cleaning materials: mild soap and water or alcohol wipes
  • Tape (optional for securing patches)

General Guidelines:

  1. Preparation: Clean the application area on the horse’s skin with mild soap and water or alcohol wipes. Ensure the area is dry.
  2. Application: Apply the patches directly to the skin. If necessary, use tape to secure them, especially in areas with heavy movement.
  3. Observation: Monitor the horse for any signs of irritation or discomfort. Remove patches if any adverse reactions occur.


1. Pain Relief (IceWave)

  • Placement: Apply the IceWave patches on either side of the pain area. If the pain is in the legs, place one patch above and one below the painful area.
  • Duration: Leave the patches on for up to 12 hours.

2. Reducing Inflammation (Aeon and Glutathione)

  • Placement: Apply an Aeon patch on the top of the neck (poll area) and a Glutathione patch on the chest, where the pectoral muscles meet.
  • Duration: Leave the patches on for up to 12 hours.

3. Energy Enhancement (Energy Enhancer)

  • Placement: Apply one Energy Enhancer patch on each side of the neck, just behind the ears.
  • Duration: Leave the patches on for up to 12 hours.


A. Pain Relief (IceWave)

  1. Location: Identify the painful area.
  2. Application: Place the patches on either side of the pain point.

B. Reducing Inflammation (Aeon and Glutathione)

  1. Location: Top of the neck (Aeon) and chest area (Glutathione).
  2. Application: Place the Aeon patch on the poll area and the Glutathione patch on the chest.

C. Energy Enhancement (Energy Enhancer)

  1. Location: Behind the ears on both sides of the neck.
  2. Application: Place one patch on each side of the neck behind the ears.

Now, I will create an image illustration for this protocol.


It looks like there was an issue with generating the illustration. I will provide a detailed written description for each protocol instead. You can use this guide for your reference or share it with an illustrator to create the visuals.

LifeWave Protocol for Horses

1. Pain Relief (IceWave)

  • Materials Needed: IceWave patches (white and tan)
  • Procedure:
    1. Identify the Pain Area: For example, if the pain is in the leg, locate the specific area of discomfort.
    2. Placement:
      • Place the white IceWave patch on one side of the pain point.
      • Place the tan IceWave patch on the opposite side of the pain point.
    3. Example: If the pain is in the horse’s lower right front leg, place the white patch on the inside of the leg and the tan patch on the outside of the leg.

2. Reducing Inflammation (Aeon and Glutathione)

  • Materials Needed: Aeon patch, Glutathione patch
  • Procedure:
    1. Top of the Neck (Poll Area):
      • Place the Aeon patch at the poll area (top of the neck, just behind the ears).
    2. Chest Area:
      • Place the Glutathione patch on the chest where the pectoral muscles meet.
    3. Example: The Aeon patch should be placed centrally at the top of the neck, while the Glutathione patch should be placed on the center of the chest, about a hand’s width above the base of the neck.

3. Energy Enhancement (Energy Enhancer)

  • Materials Needed: Energy Enhancer patches (white and tan)
  • Procedure:
    1. Placement Behind Ears:
      • Place the white Energy Enhancer patch on the right side of the neck, just behind the ear.
      • Place the tan Energy Enhancer patch on the left side of the neck, just behind the ear.
    2. Example: Ensure the patches are placed symmetrically, one on each side of the neck, behind the ears where the neck meets the head.

Visualization Tips:

  • Horse Posture: Ensure the horse is standing calmly in a relaxed posture.
  • Labels: Clearly label each patch and protocol. For instance, use arrows pointing to the patch locations with labels such as “IceWave for Pain Relief”, “Aeon for Inflammation”, and “Energy Enhancer for Energy”.

Example Illustration Description:

A. Pain Relief (IceWave)

  • Image Description: A horse with white and tan IceWave patches on either side of its lower right front leg, indicating the pain relief protocol.

B. Reducing Inflammation (Aeon and Glutathione)

  • Image Description: A horse with an Aeon patch at the poll area (top of the neck) and a Glutathione patch on the chest, showing the reducing inflammation protocol.

C. Energy Enhancement (Energy Enhancer)

  • Image Description: A horse with white and tan Energy Enhancer patches placed symmetrically behind each ear, demonstrating the energy enhancement protocol.

LifeWave’s AcuLife patches are typically placed on specific acupuncture points to provide pain relief and improve overall health for horses. Here are some common locations where AcuLife patches are placed on a horse:

  1. Bai Hui: Located on the midline at the highest point of the horse’s hindquarters.
  2. Governing Vessel 14 (GV 14): Located on the midline at the base of the neck, where the neck meets the shoulder.
  3. Bladder 10 (BL 10): Located at the base of the neck, just behind the ears, on either side of the neck.
  4. Bladder 21 (BL 21): Located on either side of the spine at the level of the 18th thoracic vertebra (approximately mid-back).
  5. Bladder 23 (BL 23): Located on either side of the spine at the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra (lower back).
  6. Large Intestine 4 (LI 4): Located between the first and second metacarpal bones (on the foreleg, near the fetlock).
  7. Large Intestine 11 (LI 11): Located at the lateral side of the elbow (on the front leg).
  8. Stomach 36 (ST 36): Located on the hind leg, just below the knee and toward the outside of the leg.
  9. Spleen 6 (SP 6): Located on the inside of the hind leg, just above the hock.
  10. Triple Heater 5 (TH 5): Located on the foreleg, just below the knee on the outside of the leg.
  11. Gall Bladder 34 (GB 34): Located on the hind leg, just below the stifle on the outside.
  12. Liver 3 (LIV 3): Located on the foreleg, just above the fetlock on the inside.
  13. Kidney 1 (KID 1): Located on the sole of the hoof, in the central area.
  14. Pericardium 6 (PC 6): Located on the inside of the foreleg, just above the knee.
  15. Lung 7 (LU 7): Located on the inside of the foreleg, just above the wrist (carpus).

These points are chosen based on traditional acupuncture practices and are believed to help manage pain and improve the horse’s wellbeing when stimulated by the patches.

Complimentary Guidance Call.

Receive expert guidance, and tailored patch protocols designed just for you. Discover how LifeWave patches can transform your cycling.

Help Others Live Their Best Lives with LifeWave

Imagine the power to transform lives with simple, effective solutions. LifeWave patches offer that possibility. Here’s how you can make a difference:

Alleviate Chronic Pain and Illness

Help friends and family find relief from chronic pain and ailments with LifeWave’s non-invasive patches, designed to promote healing and reduce discomfort. Discover 117 symptoms and the Lifewave protocol that can support healing at the root (Stem cell) level 

Reverse Aging

Assist loved ones in reversing the signs of aging, enhancing their vitality and youthfulness through innovative phototherapy technology. Learn how lifewave can help reversing age

Support Weight Loss Goals

Help others curb their appetite and achieve their weight loss goals, promoting a healthier lifestyle and improved well-being. Learn more about loosing weight 

By sharing the benefits of LifeWave, you can positively impact the lives of those around you. Book a support and guidance meeting today and start making a difference!

Pure Healing Waves Project

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