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How To Get More Clients
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Purelifewaves Plug-and-Play
Affiliate Program
makes it easy

PureLifeWaves has made it easy to use this Lifewave opportunity with a plug-and-play affiliate program, ready-to-use Salesfunnel lead generation program with a broad variety of lead magnets, autoresponders, social media lead generation content, tailored campaigns, recruitment blueprint, training and mentoring, community and support. Without any additional cost or investments.

PureLifeWaves Plug and Play lead generation program

  • Attractive lead magnet video mini-courses and ebooks
  • High-converting Sales Funnels, including sign-up pages and upsell fulfilment pages 
  • 11 email autoresponders in the first 30 days
  • Social media outreach content – images, scripts and short videos
  • Step-by-step lead generation guides for different social media platforms.
  • “Lead to purchase” sales strategies
  • Content creation and tailored campaigns to your target audience without extra cost. 
  • Instant notification with a new lead sign-up. You own the lead 100% forever. 
  • You can use your leads to sell other complementary products and services.

PureLifeWaves Recruiter Blueprint

As an affiliate and network marketer, the primary earning potential comes from building your network. This can be difficult as you don’t want to describe or spam your friends and family with offers that they are not interested in. That is why we have created the recruiter blueprint, so you can grow your network quickly. 

When your recruitment and lead decide to join the affiliate program, they get access to all the same tools, content, sales funnels, and training as you will have. 


Community, support, 119 testimonial groups and much more.

Be a part of a community, where you can get further testimonials, insight, answers and much more. 

119 testimonial groups for different pain, illnesses and challenges and what Lifewave patch protocol is recommended.

Big Fitness Social Media Package

  • 7000 gym fitness youtube shorts instagram reels tiktok and infographics
  • 3000 motivational youtube shorts instagram reels and tiktok
  • 1000 Fitness Infographics and Quotes.
  • 10+ FITNESS/YOGA Video Courses and E-Books bundle
  • 2 Fitness Planners and 1 Dietitian Planner
  • Hashtag Bundle for FITNESS & GYM social media posts
  • Access to the BIG FITNESS Package folder
  • Free of any charge

Book a discovery call with Jens Belner

Learn more about LifeWave patches, the PureLieWaves Lead Generation Program or both.

LifeWave Ranked As
Triple AAA+
Best Affiliate Marketing
Opportunity For 2024

LifeWave is a network marketing company that has earned an impressive AAA+ rating from Business for Home, positioning it at the top of the industry.

Driven by innovation and proven by science, LifeWave products are backed by world-class independent clinical studies and protected by patents – all confirming the effectiveness of phototherapy and our unmatched wellness solutions. This means you get the most effective products available.

Each patch is exclusively designed to reflect particular wavelengths of energy that stimulate specific points on the skin. This enables each patch to provide unique wellness benefits to the user. No drugs or chemicals enter your body.

In 2022, the company generated a remarkable revenue of est. $140 million, with a potential for commission payouts reaching up to 35%. While not making any promises, LifeWave’s success serves as a source of inspiration for those looking to explore new opportunities.

Learn more about Lifewave attractive compensation model

What is Lifewave?

Imagine tapping into the ancient wisdom of acupuncture, blending it seamlessly with cutting-edge nanotechnology to unlock a version of yourself that is revitalized, rejuvenated, and remarkably healed. That’s not the plot of a sci-fi novel; it’s the reality brought to you by LifeWave patches.

These patches are not your ordinary health aids; they are wearable gateways to enhanced well-being. Crafted to adhere to specific acupuncture points, they are embedded with nanoparticles that harness the power of light, similar to the way plants use chlorophyll to convert sunlight into energy.

LifeWave’s commitment to purity is absolute. The patches are 100% natural, without of any chemicals. Nothing enters your body; instead, they work harmoniously with it, ensuring your skin’s integrity remains untouched while offering profound internal benefits.

Here’s where it gets even more fascinating: by activating these points, the patches stimulate your body’s own stem cell production. Yes, you heard that right. This means you’re not just masking symptoms or providing temporary relief; you’re empowering your body to renew itself, to essentially turn back the clock on ageing, and ignite the natural healing process that resides within.

The efficacy of LifeWave patches in repairing the body from illnesses, enhancing performance, and increasing durability is not a happy accident. It’s the result of deliberate, well-researched technology initially developed for the elite – the Navy Seals, requiring quick recovery and peak performance under the most strenuous conditions.

And it’s not just for those serving in silence. Global sports icons, the likes of David Beckham, and celebrated teams such as the entire Spanish football squad, have embraced this technology. It’s their secret weapon for that extra edge, that burst of endurance, and the remarkable ability to recover.


If you are sceptical, then I recommend this short video “Horses can’t lie”

Training, Mentoring and Support

  • Training, mentoring and support is included in Purelifewaves program
  • Extensive training on how to generate leads using various social media platforms without having followers in the target audience.
  • Sales “Lead to purchase” Training
  • Training in easy content creation using Canva
  • Step-by-step mentoring to help you succeed

High Earning Potential

All commissions are recurring. Generating income month after month.

  • Earn €19 per LifeWave subscription.
  • Recruit and motivate your team as a Manager with much higher earning potential. The realistic plan for the ambitious leader in morethan 5000€ a month recurring after 3 months

We are in the business
of helping people

To be succesful with PureLifeWaves, your role is to (find people who need help) generate leads and drive sales (help them using testimonials, articles, education, lifewave protocols etc.). You will be using the Purelifewaves social media outreach content, lead magnets, sales funnels and success protocol training content. 

  • You are helping people to find a solution for a pain point, problem or improvement desire.
  • You don’t have to convince anyone of anything. This is a helping role and process. 
  • Get in front of the target audience (the niche that you choose) and offer the relevant lead magnet guide that can help them.
  • Use a link shorter like to track how many click on your link and need help the most.
  • When the lead signs up for the lead magnet – complete guide that will help them – you will get an instant notification with their contact details. You will contact them and ask how you can help them. This is the sales process. Helping people through a relevant and valuable conversation  providing them with testimonials, articles, lifewave patch protocols and guides to help them overcome their problem or pain point.

Enrol in Lifewave network marketing and get additional benefits

Enrol in Lifewave network marketing program that is ranked as Triple AAA+ opportunity for 2024. Ranked as the best network marketing company by momentum. 

Get all the benefits of the complete  Purelifewaves program: Salesfunnel lead generation program with lead magnets, autoresponders, social media lead generation content, training and mentoring.

Additional benefits:

  • PureLifeWaves recruitment blueprint: We will help you recruit you own team and become a manager. Your will earn much more from your team than you can earn by yourself. Our target is that you earn 5000€ or more per month recurring as a Manager. Signup early and get “spillover” network members that will contribute to your earning.  
  • You get your own Lifewave affiliate link, statistics. prices and more
  • Tailored campaigns and content to your target audience or language. We will create additional content, lead magnets and sales funnels for you.
  • LifeWave communities, ressources and support. Additional to the Purelifewaves support and resources, you will also be able to tab into a bigger community with even more resources and support.
  • Enrollment starter is only 29 euros. (31 USD)

Sign up for the PureLifeWaves
Plug-And-Play Affiliate Program

No cost. No risk. You get direct access to the lead magnet sales funnels and can start in 5 minutes. You get access to social media lead generation content, social media success protocols and strategies, “lead to purchase” sales strategy and content creator training material.

We would like to know more about you in the next step and we would also like to invite you to a personal meeting, to understand how we can help you in the best possible way to succeed.  

Some of our free guide that you can use as your own...

We use “lead magnets” in the form of guides to overcome pains or improve areas using natural remedies. You can use these guides as you own with our sales funnels, sign up pages, email autoresponder and fulfilment pages. You will get a direct notification when one of your leads sign up for a guide. Just insert your email in the URL as an extension ?ref=youremail