21 minutes Faster Race Time using Lifewave Science

Key Challenges
For Endurance Cyclists

Physical Endurance


Maintaining physical endurance over long distances (above 180 km) requires sustained energy and muscle strength.

LifeWave Patches Solution:

Energy Enhancer Patches: Apply one Energy Enhancer patch on the right shoulder and one on the left shoulder. This can help increase energy and stamina by improving energy flow and reducing fatigue.

Mental Toughness


Cyclists need to maintain focus and motivation, overcoming psychological barriers during long rides.

LifeWave Patches Solution:

Aeon Patch: Apply one Aeon patch on the back of the neck or below the navel. This can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity, aiding in maintaining mental toughness.

Sleep and Recovery


Proper sleep and recovery are essential, especially during multi-day cycling events.

LifeWave Patches Solution:

Silent Nights Patch: Apply one Silent Nights patch on the temple or on the side of the head, just behind the ear, before bedtime. This can help improve the quality of sleep, enhancing recovery and readiness for the next day’s ride.

Injury Prevention


Preventing overuse injuries is crucial for long-distance cyclists.

LifeWave Patches Solution:

IceWave Patches: Apply one IceWave patch on the site of pain and the other on the opposite side of the body for pain relief and inflammation reduction, aiding in injury prevention and management.


Race day LifeWave Superman Protocol


For optimal performance and recovery, combine the following patches:

  • Energy Enhancer: As mentioned above, for sustained energy.
  • Aeon: To reduce stress and improve focus.
  • Silent Nights: For enhanced sleep quality.
  • Glutathione: Apply one patch below the navel to boost the immune system and promote overall health.
  • Carnosine: Apply one patch on the right side of the body, such as the shoulder or hip, to support muscle recovery and endurance.

Get ready for race day boosting performance and endurance with this 8 Lifewave patch Superman protocol: 4 Energy Enhancer patches, 2 Glutathione, 1 Camosine, 1 Aeon.
Only 25 euros for the 8 patches.

Order 20-30 days in advance.
Detailed instructions included. 


21 minutes faster with the Lifewave superman protocol

“LifeWave Energy Enhancer patches have been a game-changer for me. During my training for the Tour de France, maintaining energy levels over long distances was a constant challenge. Since I started using these patches, I’ve noticed a significant boost in my stamina and overall performance. Not only do I feel more energized during my rides, but my recovery time has also improved. These patches have become an essential part of my training regimen.”

Sarah Thompson
Professional Road Cycling

“As an Ironman champion, I need every edge I can get, and LifeWave patches provide that edge. The combination of Energy Enhancer and X39 patches has helped me push through the toughest parts of my races. The Energy Enhancer keeps my energy levels high, while the X39 patch aids in faster recovery, allowing me to train harder and more consistently. I highly recommend LifeWave patches to any athlete looking to enhance their performance naturally.”

Jason Fowler
Ironman Triathlete

“Competing in ultra-endurance events like the Race Across America requires not just physical strength but mental resilience and quick recovery. LifeWave Aeon and Silent Nights patches have been crucial in my preparation. The Aeon patch helps me stay calm and focused during long rides, reducing stress levels significantly. The Silent Nights patch has improved my sleep quality, ensuring I wake up refreshed and ready for the next challenge. LifeWave patches have undoubtedly contributed to my success in these grueling races.”

David Lee
Ultra-Endurance Cycling


Lifewave is used by 2.4 mill people worldwide

Lifewave Patches stimulate the body’s natural production of stem cells

As we age, our body’s natural production of stem cells declines significantly. Stem cells are crucial for repairing damaged tissues and maintaining overall health. However, various factors such as aging, stress, poor nutrition, and environmental toxins can diminish the body’s ability to produce and maintain a healthy supply of stem cells. This reduction leads to slower healing processes, increased susceptibility to diseases, and overall decline in physical and cognitive functions.

Lifewave patches, specifically the X39 patch, are designed to stimulate the body’s natural production of stem cells. The X39 patch utilizes phototherapy, a method that uses specific wavelengths of light to activate biological processes. When applied to the skin, the patch reflects light in the infrared and visible spectrum, which then stimulates the body to produce and mobilize more stem cells. This process enhances the body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate itself, promoting faster healing, reducing inflammation, and improving overall vitality. By boosting stem cell activity, Lifewave patches help counteract the effects of aging and support the body’s inherent regenerative capabilities.


80 independent studies, patents and the science explained

Lifewave recommendations for endurance cyclists

Normal Training:

X39 – This patch promotes stem cell activity, boosting overall energy, recovery, and performance.

Intensive Training:

X39 and X49 – Combining X39 with X49 maximizes stamina and muscle growth, crucial for handling increased training loads.


IceWave – Ideal for pain relief and accelerated healing, allowing you to stay on track even with minor injuries.

Boost Immunity:

Y-Age Glutathione – Enhances immune function, vital for maintaining health during rigorous training cycles.

Race Day Super Man Protocol:

X39, X49, and Energy Enhancer – This trio provides peak performance by increasing energy, stamina, and endurance.

These LifeWave patches have revolutionized my cycling regimen, allowing me to train harder, recover faster, and perform at my best. Book a support and guidance meeting to discover how these patches can elevate your cycling journey.

Complimentary Guidance Call.

Receive expert guidance, and tailored patch protocols designed just for you. Discover how LifeWave patches can transform your cycling.

Help Others Live Their Best Lives with LifeWave

Imagine the power to transform lives with simple, effective solutions. LifeWave patches offer that possibility. Here’s how you can make a difference:


Alleviate Chronic Pain and Illness

Help friends and family find relief from chronic pain and ailments with LifeWave’s non-invasive patches, designed to promote healing and reduce discomfort. Discover 117 symptoms and the Lifewave protocol that can support healing at the root (Stem cell) level 


Reverse Aging

Assist loved ones in reversing the signs of aging, enhancing their vitality and youthfulness through innovative phototherapy technology. Learn how lifewave can help reversing age


Boost Workplace Energy and Productivity

Empower your colleagues to boost their energy levels and productivity with LifeWave patches, making workdays more efficient and enjoyable.


Support Weight Loss Goals

Help others curb their appetite and achieve their weight loss goals, promoting a healthier lifestyle and improved well-being. Learn more about loosing weight 


By sharing the benefits of LifeWave, you can positively impact the lives of those around you. Book a support and guidance meeting today and start making a difference!

Pure Healing Waves Project

Transform Lives: Your donation provides relief and improves the quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain and illness.