Overcome Chronic Pain & Illness using Lifewave Science

Challenges in Overcoming Chronic Pain and Illness:

  1. Persistent Pain and Discomfort: Chronic pain can lead to continuous discomfort, affecting daily activities and overall quality of life.
  2. Mental Health Impact: Chronic pain often leads to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress.
  3. Dependence on Medication: Many patients rely on painkillers, which can lead to side effects and dependence.
  4. Limited Mobility: Chronic pain can reduce mobility, leading to a sedentary lifestyle and further health complications.
  5. Social Isolation: The inability to participate in social activities can result in feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  6. Financial Burden: The cost of treatments, therapies, and medications can be substantial, adding to the stress of managing chronic pain.
  7. Finding Effective Treatments: Identifying an effective and sustainable treatment plan can be challenging, as responses to treatments can vary widely among individuals.
  8. Managing Co-morbid Conditions: Chronic pain is often accompanied by other chronic illnesses, complicating treatment and management strategies.

How Lifewave Can Help Overcome Chronic Pain and Illness

Lifewave patches use phototherapy to stimulate specific points on the body to promote healing and pain relief without drugs. Here’s how Lifewave can address the challenges of chronic pain and illness:

  1. Non-Invasive Pain Relief: Lifewave patches provide a drug-free, non-invasive alternative to traditional pain relief methods, reducing the need for medications and their associated side effects.
  2. Targeted Treatment: The patches can be placed directly on areas of pain, providing targeted relief and reducing overall discomfort.
  3. Support for Mental Health: By reducing pain and improving sleep quality, Lifewave patches can help alleviate anxiety and depression associated with chronic pain.
  4. Enhanced Mobility: Effective pain management can improve mobility, allowing for more physical activity and reducing the risk of a sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Improved Sleep Quality: Lifewave patches can aid in better sleep, which is crucial for overall health and pain management.
  6. Convenient and Cost-Effective: Lifewave patches are easy to use and can be more cost-effective over time compared to ongoing medication and therapy costs.
  7. Holistic Approach: Lifewave supports a holistic approach to wellness by promoting the body’s natural healing processes.
  8. Support for Co-morbid Conditions: By enhancing overall well-being and reducing pain, Lifewave can help manage other chronic conditions more effectively.


Chronic pain and illness present multifaceted challenges that significantly impact individuals’ lives. Lifewave patches offer a promising alternative by providing non-invasive, drug-free pain relief, improving mental health, enhancing mobility, and supporting overall well-being. By addressing these key pain points, Lifewave can be a valuable tool in the comprehensive management of chronic pain and illness.

Achieve Rapid Pain Relief in Just Minutes with IceWave Patches – No Drugs Needed!

IceWave patches work by creating a bioelectrical effect without drugs or materials entering the body. Here’s a summary of the application process:

  1. Initial Setup:

    • Place the tan patch directly on the pain spot.
    • Think of this as the center of a clock.
  2. White Patch Positioning:

    • Move the white patch around the tan patch in 10-second intervals, starting at the 12 o’clock position, then 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock.
    • After each position, ask the person to rate their pain from 0 (no pain) to 10 (maximum pain).
    • Look for at least a 50% reduction in pain.
  3. Front-Back Configuration:

    • If the pain isn’t reduced by at least 50% in any position, place the white patch on the front of the body parallel to the tan patch on the back.
  4. Alternate Method:

    • If the pain persists, apply the patches to the bottoms of the feet on the kidney 1 acupuncture points (white patch on the right foot and tan patch on the left).
  5. Final Steps:

    • Once the optimal positions are found, remove the backing and secure the patches in place.
    • For more detailed instructions and additional placement options, visit the IceWave website.

The majority of users experience significant pain relief quickly, often within one minute.

Discover Fast, Effective Pain Relief with LifeWave's Meridian Patching Method – A Step-by-Step Guide by Dr. Karen

The video, presented by Dr. Karen, discusses how to use LifeWave patches for pain relief, specifically using the meridian patching method. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Introduction to LifeWave Patches:

    • IceWave patches have a white and a tan patch.
    • The white patch is positively charged (yang) and the tan patch is negatively charged (yin).
  2. Basic Patching Protocol:

    • Place the tan patch directly on the pain spot.
    • Move the white patch around the tan patch in a clock method (12, 3, 6, 9 o’clock positions) to find the position that reduces pain the most.
  3. Case Study – Hip Pain:

    • Dr. Karen shares a case where a patient with hip pain (due to a hip replacement) had significant pain reduction by placing patches along the gallbladder meridian, away from the hip.
    • This method worked better than the clock method, reducing pain from 8 to 2.
  4. Meridian Patching Method:

    • Patches are placed at the start and end points of the affected meridian to run energy through the entire channel.
    • This can be more effective than placing patches directly on the pain spot.
    • Example: For hip pain, patches were placed on the gallbladder meridian, from the side of the eye to the outside of the foot.
  5. Application Examples:

    • Dr. Karen demonstrates how to locate and patch various meridians for different pain areas (e.g., shoulder, knee).
    • Emphasis on using acupuncture points and understanding meridian pathways for effective pain relief.
  6. Additional Tips:

    • Drink plenty of water to facilitate energy movement.
    • Experiment with patch placement if initial attempts don’t provide relief.
    • The method can be applied to both sides of the body if needed.
  7. Interactive Q&A:

    • Dr. Karen answers questions about specific pain issues (e.g., rotator cuff, arthritis, allergies) and provides advice on how to locate and patch relevant meridians.

Dr. Karen encourages viewers to try the meridian patching method and shares additional resources and videos available on her YouTube channel for more detailed guidance.

Revolutionary Pain Relief: How LifeWave Patches Transformed My Health – A Real-Life Testimonial

The video features an interview with George Powell, a 63-year-old former hockey player, discussing his experience with LifeWave patches, a non-invasive technology designed to stimulate the body’s stem cells and alleviate pain. Here are the key points:

  1. Introduction:

    • Host introduces George Powell and mentions their shared use of LifeWave patches.
    • LifeWave patches are non-invasive, drug-free, and stimulate the body’s natural processes.
  2. LifeWave Patch Technology:

    • Developed by David Schmidt, commissioned by the Navy SEALs to enhance stamina and strength naturally.
    • Patches work by stimulating the body’s light and stem cells without introducing external substances.
  3. George Powell’s Experience:

    • Background in hockey led to numerous injuries and chronic pain.
    • Initially skeptical, but tried the patches on a friend’s recommendation.
    • Experienced significant pain relief and improved sleep within hours of using IceWave patches.
    • Found additional benefits with X39 patches, including increased energy and better workout recovery.
  4. Benefits and Observations:

    • Immediate pain relief in various body parts.
    • Enhanced energy and overall well-being.
    • Positive impact on workout performance and muscle development.
    • George plans to continue using the patches to observe long-term benefits.
  5. Testimonials and Community:

    • George shares a testimonial of an older friend who experienced unexpected pain relief.
    • LifeWave community focuses on mutual support and sharing positive experiences.
    • Mentions of significant success stories within the LifeWave network.
  6. Call to Action:

    • Encourages viewers to try LifeWave patches for pain relief and overall health improvement.
    • George provides his contact information for further inquiries and support.

Overall, the video emphasizes the effectiveness of LifeWave patches in providing natural, non-invasive pain relief and promoting overall health, supported by personal testimonials and a supportive community.

LifeWave X39: Transforming Lives with Miraculous Pain Relief – Hear Real Stories of Instant Results!

The video is a series of testimonials about the LifeWave X39 patches, highlighting their effectiveness in providing pain relief. Here’s a summary:

  1. Introduction:

    • The video begins with Madden introducing himself as Marvin Verney’s son and sharing his experience with the X39 patch.
  2. Madden’s Testimonial:

    • Madden has three herniated discs and has been suffering for three years.
    • He started using X39 patches recently and experienced a significant reduction in pain.
    • Madden describes the patch as a miracle, noting that within five minutes of application, he gains full mobility and is pain-free.
  3. Another User’s Experience:

    • Another user shares his story of having a long-term back injury and contemplating retirement due to the pain.
    • After using the X39 patch, he felt immediate pain relief, which brought him to tears.
    • He now wears the patch daily and experiences no pain while working, noting an improvement in his back condition.
  4. Impact on Daily Life:

    • The same user mentions reducing his dependence on medication and medical treatments since using the patches.
    • He expects to be nearly pain-free in a few months.
  5. Additional Testimonial:

    • A woman adds that her husband, Marvin, had a severe back injury from his asphalt paving job.
    • His back condition deteriorated to that of a 90-year-old over the last few years.
    • After using the X39 patch, Marvin experienced instant pain relief, bringing tears of joy to the family.

The overall theme of the video is the life-changing pain relief provided by the LifeWave X39 patches, supported by emotional and heartfelt testimonials.


80 independent studies, patents and the science explained

Discover Your Perfect LifeWave Protocol: Tailored Relief for Pain and Illness

Finding the right LifeWave protocol to support your symptoms, whether for pain or illness, involves a few key steps:

  1. Identify Symptoms: Start by clearly identifying your specific symptoms or condition.
  2. Visit PureLifeWaves: Go to the LifeWave Protocols page.
  3. Search Protocols: Browse the comprehensive list of symptoms and corresponding LifeWave patch protocols.
  4. Follow Instructions: Each protocol will detail which patches to use and where to place them on acupuncture points.
  5. Seek Support: If needed, contact PureLifeWaves support for personalized guidance.

This structured approach ensures you find the most suitable LifeWave protocol for your health needs.


Lifewave is used by 2.4 mill people worldwide

Connect with Others Experiencing Similar Challenges at the 119 Testimonial Groups Page

If you’re seeking to learn more about how LifeWave patches have helped others with the same chronic pain or illness, visit the 119 LifeWave Testimonial Groups page. Here, you can find a variety of testimonial groups categorized by specific conditions, from anxiety and arthritis to fibromyalgia and migraines. Join these groups to read personal stories, gain insights, and connect with a supportive community that shares your health challenges and experiences.

Complimentary Guidance Call.

Receive expert guidance, and tailored patch protocols designed just for you. Discover how LifeWave patches can transform your cycling.

Help Others Live Their Best Lives with LifeWave

Imagine the power to transform lives with simple, effective solutions. LifeWave patches offer that possibility. Here’s how you can make a difference:


Alleviate Chronic Pain and Illness

Help friends and family find relief from chronic pain and ailments with LifeWave’s non-invasive patches, designed to promote healing and reduce discomfort. Discover 117 symptoms and the Lifewave protocol that can support healing at the root (Stem cell) level 


Reverse Aging

Assist loved ones in reversing the signs of aging, enhancing their vitality and youthfulness through innovative phototherapy technology. Learn how lifewave can help reversing age


Boost Workplace Energy and Productivity

Empower your colleagues to boost their energy levels and productivity with LifeWave patches, making workdays more efficient and enjoyable.


Support Weight Loss Goals

Help others curb their appetite and achieve their weight loss goals, promoting a healthier lifestyle and improved well-being. Learn more about loosing weight 


By sharing the benefits of LifeWave, you can positively impact the lives of those around you. Book a support and guidance meeting today and start making a difference!

Pure Healing Waves Project

Transform Lives: Your donation provides relief and improves the quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain and illness.