Exclusive Free eBook & mini course video

Unlock The Hidden Secrets: Natural Energy Sustenance For Top Executives and the Organisation

For HR Leaders Who Aspire To Foster A Culture Of High Performance & Well-Being

High Energy For Your Team

These are the chapters that await you: 

> The Holistic Energy Matrix

> LifeWave Patches: The Next Generation Energy Solution

> Essential Oils for Enhanced Focus and Vitality

> CBD: The Stress Reliever

> The Green Elixir: Wheatgrass

> Nature’s Power Players for Energy

> Crafting Your Personalized Energy Blueprint

> Lifestyle Foundations for Sustained Energy

> Leading by Example: Wellness in the Workplace

Elevate Your Team's Energy: Join the 90 Days Energizer Challenge

The 90-day challenge is a complete package that will energize a selected group or team in your organisation. This includes Lifewave energizer X39 patches and other natural remedies that would like to sponsor or maybe co-sponsor for your team.

You only pay the price of the remedies and we provide you with a free educational package, a scoreboard to measure progress and a business case presentation for the management group. Starting from only 114€ per month per person for the X39 Lifewave patches and a 90-day money-back guarantee. If the patches don’t work for you or your team in 90 days you get a full refund and the challenge is without cost apart from other remedies that you might choose to include.

Try the Lifewave patches

with 90 days money back guarantee

If you want to try LifeWave patches, you have a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you are not using them already, then these will elevate your performance, endurance and recovery fast.

Please use this link to order your Lifewave patches

PS.  If you order a subscription it’s cheaper and you can cancel any time.

I’ve been using Lifewave patches for the last 6 months and here’s the straightforward short version:

They’re natural, with nanocrystal technology, and you stick them on acupuncture points.

No chemicals touch your skin. These patches kickstart your stem cell production, helping reverse ageing and boost your body’s healing. That’s how they tackle illness and enhance performance.

Originally for Navy Seals, now athletes like Beckham and the Spanish football team swear by them.

With a 90-day money-back guarantee, there’s nothing to lose. Honestly, the energy boost can get addictive. 

If it all sounds too good to be true, I felt the same when my friend told me about the LifeWave patches. I think it took me 2 months before I finally tried them.  I had an immediate impact on my energy level from day one. I still don’t understand fully how it works, but I clearly feel the difference. Btw. so do animals, so it can’t be the placebo. 

Contact me if this is interesting for you
and/or your organisation

Together with the PureLifeWaves team we are happy to hep your organisation become more productive, more energized and with a better lasting well-being.


Warm regards

Jens Belner


+45 2120618
