
Boost Performance, Endurance and Fast Recovery

Patches Win Matches: Learn top athletes secrets to success

Lifewave Patches Used by Celebrities

King Frederik X of Denmark Using Lifewave

Ironman, several marathons and the founder of Royal Run with 90.000 runners.

Robert Harting

won Gold in the London Paralympics

Professional Sumo Wrestler

Hakuho Sho: 45- time sumo champion. He has been a Yokozuna – the highest rank in sumo – for over 14 years, has achieved five Guinness World Records titles. Uses lifewave x39 and Energy Enhancer.

David Beckham

Celebrity football (soccer) player

Korean World Cup

Soccer team wear LifeWave patches!

World's Strongest Man

Phil Pfister using Lifewave X39 and Energy enhancer

Serena Williams

World No.1 Tennis Player

Sagi Kalev

has great things to say about X39 in the November issue of IRON MAN

Ray Allen

loves LifeWave Energy Patches

Swimming - 5 olympic gold medals

Ian James Thrope using Lifewave X39 and Energy enhancer

Michael Phelps - 23 gold medals

Olympic Gold Medalist using Lifewave X39, Aeon and icewave.

Lifewave Patches used by NFL players

Professional Tennis Player - WTA No. 20

Mihaela Buzarnescu using Lifewave X39 and Energy enhancer

13 videos that will change your performance game forever!

Here is what you will discover:
  • Innovative Technology: LifeWave patches utilize advanced phototherapy and nanotechnology to stimulate the body’s natural processes without drugs or stimulants, enhancing overall vitality and health.

  • Athlete Endorsements: High-profile athletes, including David Beckham, use the patches to improve their performance and recovery, demonstrating their effectiveness and widespread acceptance.

  • Various Health Benefits:

    • Pain Management: IceWave patches provide fast and effective pain relief.
    • Performance Enhancement: X39 and X49 patches boost stamina and aid in recovery.
    • Mental Focus: Eon patches enhance focus and concentration by calming nerves.
    • Physical Recovery: Carnosine patches help reduce lactic acid buildup and support muscle recovery.
  • Scientific Validation: LifeWave’s technology has been featured in major publications and has undergone scientific validation to prove its effectiveness in enhancing performance and recovery without drugs.

  • Personal Testimonials: Users, including wheelchair athletes and fitness enthusiasts, share positive results in terms of enhanced recovery, reduced pain, and overall improved health.

  • Ease of Use and Safety: The patches are easy to use, safe, and designed to provide significant health benefits through non-invasive means.

  • Global Recognition: The products have received attention in various media and are supported by a community that includes athletes, healthcare professionals, and everyday users, all attesting to the patches’ transformative effects.

These points capture the essence of LifeWave technology as discussed across multiple videos, highlighting its impact on health, wellness, and athletic performance.

2. Life Wave Olympic Team Members Use The Patches!!!

  • Innovative Health Technology: LifeWave focuses on health and wellness through non-drug, non-stimulant patches that enhance performance and overall well-being, initiated by David Schmidt’s inspiration from inventor Thomas Edison.

  • Scientific Validation and Public Recognition: The technology gained significant credibility and exposure through scientific validation during the 2004 Olympic trials and subsequent media coverage when the patches were proven to be drug-free.

  • Celebrity Endorsement: Health advocate Suzanne Somers played a pivotal role in promoting LifeWave, featuring the company in her best-selling books and public appearances, which greatly increased public awareness and acceptance.

  • Continuous Research and Development: LifeWave emphasizes a strong foundation in science, with continuous research and development to back the efficacy of their patches, highlighting their benefits in energy enhancement, pain reduction, and improved quality of life.

  • Global Expansion and Mission: Starting from a small setup, LifeWave expanded globally, driven by a mission to offer non-pharmaceutical solutions to improve quality of life, showing a commitment to helping people live better without suffering from pain or lack of energy.

The video delves into the origins and development of LifeWave, a company known for its innovative health and wellness technology, particularly its non-drug, non-stimulant performance-enhancing patches. David Schmidt, the founder and CEO, shares his early inspiration from Thomas Edison and his eventual pursuit of invention despite initial discouragement.

The narrative outlines Schmidt’s career, starting in medical device design and manufacturing, and leading to his breakthrough with the LifeWave technology. Initially intended to keep navy personnel alert without stimulants, the technology pivoted to consumer health products due to slow military adoption processes. Schmidt found success by focusing on natural energy enhancement, launching LifeWave in 2002.

The video highlights key moments such as the involvement of famous health advocate Suzanne Somers and the patches’ validation during the 2004 Olympic trials, where they faced scrutiny but ultimately proved drug-free. This helped propel the company into the limelight, gaining trust and credibility.

Throughout, the video emphasizes the scientific backing of the LifeWave patches, detailing tests and studies that showcase their efficacy in improving energy levels, reducing pain, and enhancing overall well-being without drugs. The company’s journey from a small startup to a significant player in the health and wellness industry is marked by innovative technology and a commitment to scientifically supported, non-invasive health products.

The summary reflects LifeWave’s mission to provide an alternative approach to health and wellness, leveraging technology to enhance quality of life without pharmaceuticals, as well as the company’s global impact through its community of users and advocates.

3. Marathon times, dropping by 15-17 minutes.

The video discusses the use of LifeWave patches by two marathon runners who have been using them for about six weeks. They describe their personal experiences and the benefits they’ve noticed, particularly during long runs and races.


Key Points:

  1. LifeWave Patch Usage:

    • The couple, both marathon runners, have been using LifeWave patches for six weeks.
    • They use different patches for various purposes, including daily health and race day performance.
  2. Daily Protocol:

    • They wear the X39 patch every day for 12 hours on and 12 hours off.
  3. Race Day Protocol:

    • For long runs and races, they add the X49, Energy Enhancer, and Ice Wave patches.
    • Neil wears the X39 and X49 along with Energy Enhancer and Ice Wave patches.
    • Rachel uses the X39 daily and the Eon patch to help with inflammation during runs.
  4. Patch Placement:

    • The X39 is placed on the back of the neck.
    • Energy Enhancer patches are placed under the clavicles.
    • Ice Wave patches are placed under the feet.
    • X49 is placed under the belly button.
  5. Benefits Experienced:

    • Notable improvement in performance and recovery.
    • Reduction in cramping during long runs.
    • Faster recovery times post-race, with reduced lactic acid buildup.
    • Improved running pace, with significant time reductions in marathon finish times.
  6. Race Results:

    • They have seen significant improvements in their marathon times, dropping by 15-17 minutes.
    • They report finishing races strong and with better overall performance.
  7. Recommendations:

    • They highly recommend the Energy Enhancer and X39 patches for other athletes.
    • For those with the budget, adding the X49 or its alternative, the Carnitine patch, is also suggested.

The video emphasizes the effectiveness of these patches in enhancing athletic performance and aiding in recovery, encouraging other athletes to try them out.

4. LifeWave Meets Ironman

The video features a compelling story from a wheelchair athlete who has significantly benefited from using LifeWave patches. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Personal Journey and Accident: The speaker, a motocross enthusiast, shares his journey from a young racer to facing a life-changing accident at 17, which resulted in paralysis.

  2. Transition to Wheelchair Athletics: After his accident, he discovered a new sense of freedom and opportunity in wheelchair racing, eventually moving on to compete in marathons and triathlons.

  3. Introduction to LifeWave Patches: He first encountered LifeWave patches after injuring his shoulder while cross-country skiing. An acquaintance recommended them, and he noticed a significant reduction in soreness overnight.

  4. Impact of LifeWave Patches: The patches provided consistent results, improving his recovery and reducing the need for more invasive treatments like stem cell injections, which he had previously spent a significant amount on.

  5. Advantages of LifeWave: He emphasizes the benefits of the patches, including their natural, non-chemical nature, ease of use, safety, and effectiveness in enhancing recovery and overall health.

The video illustrates how LifeWave patches have become an integral part of his athletic routine, helping him maintain his performance and health without the drawbacks of traditional medical treatments. His story is not only about overcoming adversity but also about embracing innovative solutions to enhance his quality of life.

5. Professional Athletes Using LifeWave Technology!

The video discusses the use of innovative nanotechnology in LifeWave patches, which are designed to enhance performance and health by wirelessly transmitting information into the human body using organic electronic components. These patches are endorsed by high-profile athletes such as David Beckham and are recognized in the sports world and beyond for their effectiveness. Highlighted features and benefits of the patches include:

  1. Nanotechnology Application: The patches utilize advanced nanotechnology to wirelessly transmit signals into the body, promoting various health benefits through organic electronic components.

  2. Celebrity and Athlete Endorsements: Figures like David Beckham and top athletes across various sports use the patches, enhancing credibility and showcasing the patches’ widespread acceptance and effectiveness.

  3. Health and Performance Enhancements: Users of the patches report significant improvements in energy, performance, and overall well-being. These benefits are observed quickly, often within minutes of application, highlighting the patches’ rapid effectiveness.

  4. Scientific Backing and Media Recognition: The technology has been featured in major publications like Esquire and ESPN, emphasizing its revolutionary impact on medical technology. The patches are celebrated for their novel approach and fast results based on rigorous scientific research.

  5. Future Potential: The video suggests that what seems extraordinary today about LifeWave technology will become commonplace in the future, indicating a shift towards wider acceptance and use of this health-enhancing technology.

6. Athlete Testimony - LifeWave X39

The video features a testimonial from Xavier Tremue, a resident of Mechanicsville, Virginia, who shares his experience with the X-39 and X-49 LifeWave patches. Here are the key points:

  1. Personal Health Journey: Xavier started focusing on his wellness and health a year ago, aiming to lose weight and improve his fitness post-pandemic.

  2. Introduction to LifeWave Patches: He began using the X-39 patches in November 2021, after being introduced to them by a friend. He noticed a significant improvement in his energy levels and workout performance within days.

  3. Significant Pain Relief and Weight Loss: Xavier experienced a noticeable reduction in knee pain, which had previously been a significant issue during physical activities like running a 5K. Additionally, he lost an extra 15 pounds after starting the patches due to increased workout duration and intensity.

  4. Additional Benefits from X-49 Patches: He later added X-49 patches, which further enhanced his strength and conditioning, contributing to his overall fitness improvements.

  5. Advocacy for the Patches: Xavier became a strong proponent of the patches, sharing his positive results with others in his gym. He highlights the importance of personal experience and suggests that while results may vary and not be immediate for everyone, the patches can deliver significant benefits over time.


The video details the journey of David Schmidt, the founder of LifeWave, focusing on the development of his unique patch technology. Here are the key points:

  1. Origins and Innovation: David Schmidt began his career in medical device design and manufacturing before moving into inventing, which led to the creation of LifeWave. His motivation stemmed from a desire to improve energy and health without relying on stimulants.

  2. Development of LifeWave: The initial idea was to aid Navy personnel by enhancing their survival without stimulants. However, recognizing the long process of military adoption, Schmidt pivoted to consumer health products, launching LifeWave in 2002.

  3. Early Challenges and Breakthroughs: The early days were tough with Schmidt personally involved in making patches due to the absence of a manufacturing facility. The breakthrough came when athletes began noticing improvements in their performance while using these patches, particularly evident during a test with the Stanford women’s swim team.

  4. Scientific Validation and Public Acceptance: The technology gained significant credibility when six out of eight swimmers broke their personal bests shortly after starting to use the patches. This led to a scandal at the 2004 Olympic Trials where the effectiveness of the patches was questioned, but tests confirmed they were drug-free.

  5. Impact and Recognition: The patches garnered national attention when they were proven to enhance performance legally. Schmidt’s vision was to create a product that could significantly benefit people by improving their energy and focus, thereby enhancing their overall success in various endeavors.

8. Up your Game with LifeWave - ATHLETES

In the video titled “Wonderful Life Wave Technology for Athletes,” the speaker, Mandy Forar from the Future Wellness team, discusses the benefits of LifeWave technology, specifically the phototherapy patches, for athletes. The technology, which has been around for over 18 years, is designed to enhance performance, stamina, and recovery using light to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes without the use of drugs or stimulants.

Mandy explains how LifeWave patches work by reflecting specific wavelengths of light back into the body when applied to the skin. This process stimulates the skin and sends messages to the brain to trigger various biological responses, essentially giving the body a set of instructions through light.

She highlights several types of patches:

  • X39 and X49 Patches: Boost stamina and aid in recovery, allowing athletes to train harder and perform better.
  • IceWave Patches: Provide fast and effective pain relief.
  • Carnosine Patch: Supports lactic acid buildup reduction, potentially improving performance by up to 124%.
  • Eon Patches: Help with focus and concentration by calming nerves and reducing inflammation.

Mandy shares testimonials and case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of these patches in various athletic contexts. She emphasizes that the patches are based on non-invasive technology that leverages the body’s own mechanisms without introducing any substances into the body, making them a safe option for athletes looking to enhance their performance legally and naturally.

The video serves as an informative piece on how LifeWave patches can be integrated into an athlete’s regimen for improved performance and recovery, aligning with natural body processes and avoiding pharmaceuticals.

9. Unlock Your Full Athletic Potential with Lifewave Patches!

The video titled “Push Beyond Athletic Limits with LifeWave Technology” highlights the benefits of LifeWave patches, designed to enhance athletic performance naturally. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Innovative Technology: LifeWave utilizes phototherapy to stimulate the body’s natural processes without drugs or stimulants. This technology has been helping athletes for over 18 years.

  2. Mechanism of Action: The patches, when applied to the skin, reflect specific wavelengths of light back into the body. This light stimulates the skin, sending messages to the brain to trigger various biological responses, effectively giving the body a set of instructions through light.

  3. Benefits for Athletes: The LifeWave X39 and X49 patches are highlighted for their ability to boost stamina and aid in recovery, allowing athletes to train harder and recover faster.

  4. Pain Management and Performance Enhancement: The IceWave patches offer fast and effective pain relief, and the Carnosine patch supports lactic acid buildup reduction, potentially improving performance by up to 124%.

  5. Focus and Inflammation Reduction: The Eon patches help calm nerves and improve focus and concentration during competitions, additionally reducing inflammation.

10. 🏋🏽‍♀️RECOVER FASTER! 💪🏾Hack for Athletes! (Q&A w/David Schmidt of LifeWave)

The video features a recommendation on choosing the appropriate LifeWave patch for post-workout recovery, particularly focusing on the effects of lactic acid and the role of the Carnosine patch. Here are the key points discussed:

  1. Carnosine Patch Recommendation: The speaker recommends the Carnosine patch over the Eon patch for reducing inflammation post-workout. Carnosine is emphasized for its ability to buffer lactic acid, which is a significant factor in muscle soreness.

  2. Understanding Lactic Acid: Lactic acid is explained not only as a byproduct of intense exercise that contributes to muscle soreness but also as a beneficial component. It acts as a growth factor, stimulating the production of new muscle tissue.

  3. Biological Benefits of Lactic Acid: The speaker discusses how lactic acid, despite causing discomfort, supports muscle growth. It’s highlighted with an example where muscle fibers exposed to lactic acid in a laboratory setting showed growth.

  4. Application of Carnosine Patch: The Carnosine patch is suggested for use in recovery processes to manage and utilize lactic acid effectively. It helps ensure that lactic acid doesn’t remain in the muscles longer than beneficial.

  5. Product Recommendation: The video ends with a call to action, encouraging viewers to contact a LifeWave distributor and try out the Carnosine patch, along with other products like the X39, to experience the benefits risk-free.

This summary underscores the video’s focus on optimizing post-exercise recovery through the strategic use of the LifeWave Carnosine patch, leveraging the natural physiological processes for better muscle recovery and growth.

11. Athletes and Lifewave

12. LifeWave X39 - Patch Placements - Learn To Patch

The video discusses LifeWave’s X39 patch, which is designed to rejuvenate the body’s stem cells to promote a younger and healthier state. Here are the key points from the video:

  1. Stem Cell Activation: The X39 patch utilizes phototherapy to activate stem cells, returning them to a younger, more vigorous state which enhances overall vitality.

  2. Benefits of X39 Patch: The patch offers multiple benefits including improved energy levels and sleep quality, reduced pain, smoother skin with fewer wrinkles, and faster wound healing.

  3. How it Works: The patch elevates a specific peptide that typically declines with age, which is central to its rejuvenating effects.

  4. Application Flexibility: X39 can be applied anywhere on the body, though studies focused on two main areas: the base of the neck and just below the belly button.

  5. Usage Instructions: It is recommended to apply the patch to clean, dry skin and wear it for up to 12 hours a day, while staying well hydrated.

The video emphasizes the simplicity and effectiveness of the X39 patch, highlighting it as a non-invasive solution to boost bodily functions and rejuvenation through advanced phototherapy technology.

13. How to use LifeWave Energy Enhancer Patches

The video explains how LifeWave’s energy patches work and how to effectively use them to improve the flow of energy in the body naturally, without relying on stimulants like caffeine. Here are the key points:

  1. Patch Types and Polarities: LifeWave offers two types of energy patches – a white patch (positive) and a tan patch (negative). This polarity corresponds to the bioelectrical zones of the body.

  2. Application Method: The patches should be applied to specific acupuncture points on the body. These points are divided into positive and negative locations, aligning with the polarity of the patches.

  3. Recommended Locations:

    • Wrist: Apply a white patch to the right wrist and a tan patch to the left wrist, targeting the pericardium meridian.
    • Shoulders (Lung One Location): This is beneficial for improving energy and athletic performance.
    • Below the Knee (Stomach 36 Point): This stimulates the stomach meridian and is recommended for enhancing energy flow.
    • Inside of the Ankles (Kidney Three Point): Helpful for energizing via the kidney meridian.
  4. Testing Different Locations: It’s suggested to try different patch locations each day to determine which provides the best results. The order recommended is wrists, shoulders, below the knee, and ankles.

  5. Additional Resources: For more advanced uses and combinations with other LifeWave products, the video encourages viewers to refer to the LifeWave Experience book.

This summary captures the instructional content of the video, guiding users on how to maximize the benefits of LifeWave energy patches through strategic placement according to traditional acupuncture principles.

Lifewave patches for Athletes

LifeWave patches offer a range of benefits to athletes by enhancing performance, recovery, and overall wellness through non-invasive technology. Here’s a concise overview of how these patches can be effectively integrated into an Ironman athlete’s regimen:


1. X39 Patch – Cellular Regeneration
  • Purpose: Accelerates recovery by enhancing cellular regeneration.
  • Use: Ideal during intense training periods to support faster healing, reduce inflammation, and mitigate signs of aging, thereby sustaining long-term performance.
2. X49 Patch – Fitness and Weight Management
  • Purpose: Aids in improving strength, stamina, and endurance.
  • Use: Best used in phases focusing on strength and conditioning to optimize body composition and performance during competitions.
3. Energy Enhancer Patch
  • Purpose: Boosts energy levels and stamina, enabling sustained physical activity.
  • Use: Essential before and during competitions for a natural, substance-free energy boost that helps athletes perform vigorously over extended periods.
4. Glutathione Patch – Detoxification and Immune Support
  • Purpose: Supports the body’s detoxification processes and boosts the immune system.
  • Use: Throughout training and competition cycles to maintain health, ensure quick recovery, and sustain athlete readiness between events.
5. IceWave Patch – Pain Relief
  • Purpose: Provides effective relief from pain and inflammation.
  • Use: Applied post-training or competition to improve recovery times and reduce muscle soreness, enabling quicker return to training.

By strategically integrating LifeWave patches into their training and competition schedules, Ironman athletes can leverage phototherapy to optimize their physical functions and recovery processes. This holistic approach enhances their ability to perform at peak levels, manage stress, and maintain robust health, crucial for the extreme demands of triathlon sports.

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